Community Writer |

Global community of social leaders and writers is a social network initiative by Dr Prem |, the social community platform allows writers and experts to share their opinion with the world. Join us at

Anal Leakage cure?

I am a 20 year old male and I am pretty active in sports but my problem is that I am also a sweaty guy when

Benadryl Overdose symptoms?

I have been prescribed with diphenhydramine as cough remedy. I was taking it One table spoon every three hours. But what has happened is that my 4 year pld cousin has missed the dose and consumed it unknowingly. I know that he should not ha

Social phobia: What is it?

Some people get
nervous in situations where they have to interact with people for example in an
interview, a meeting or a completion. They start panting and get anxious about
how they look what will they say or who all will they meet. Such people are

Skin rashes in children: Common causes

Children are sensitive beings, physically as well as to the core of their souls. As parents you have to be cautious in selecting things for them whether it is their schooling or clothes and even your words. Today, there are unlimited products that cater t

Cramps But No Period?

I want to discuss my problem here with all of you. I have been having cramps for 5 days now. My period was supposed to come 5 days ago and no blood appeared I had the tender breast and my stomach felt uneasy but that’s with all my per

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