Angina Prevention

Angina: Prevention

Top Prevention

1. Manage stress levels

Various studies and researches have shown that stress is strongly associated with angina attacks. You are more likely to go through an angina episode if you are in a situation which leads to excessive tension. Stress and anxiety have been identified as the factors leading to angina attacks in several cases. Whenever you feel like you are having an angina attack, the first thing that you should do is to calm down and take slow and deep breaths. This way you can manage your stress and even stop the pain.ย 

2. Take aspirin

If you are in the favor of over the counter medications then have one adult aspirin tablet each day. 325 milligrams of aspirin is considered to be an adult dose. In fact, aspirin is very effective in limiting the effects of angina. The heart damage that occurs during an angina episode is decreased significantly if you have been taking aspirin regularly. Although aspirin cannot prevent angina attacks every time, but still it has its own positive effects. Studies have shown that men suffering from angina who don’t take aspirin are more likely to have a heart attack or die of cardiovascular problems than men who have been taking aspirin regularly.ย 

3. Exercise regularly

You can prevent your risk of developing angina by exercising regularly. However, don’t be under the impression that you have to work out for hours in gym following some intense training routine. You only have to do some light work outs and exercises. Walking is perhaps the best exercise for the prevention of angina. This physical activity keeps your heart healthy. Also, walking does not put too much strain on your heart unlike other physical activities. Some other forms of exercises such as bicycling or swimming help in the prevention of angina.ย 

4. Act quickly

No matter what you have been doing, you should stop the activity immediately if an angina attack comes on during that activity. Sit down slowly and prop up your feet. Do not try to continue work or push through the pain. Relax for few minutes and the pain will eventually fade away. However, if you remain involved with the activity, then you will worsen the situation and the pain will also increase.ย 

5. Lying down is not going to help you

Although, it may appear that effects of angina can be neutralized by lying down for a while, but it is not going to be fruitful in every case. For instance, if you were sleeping when angina attack occurred, then you must immediately sit up or stand up. This is suggested because by standing up, you take the pressure off your heart. Your body will naturally demand less oxygen when you take off the pressure from heart. Thus, the heart gets sufficient amount of time to recover from the angina episode.ย 

6. Quit smoking

Smoking is responsible for a number of ailments including different types of cancer. Smoking is also known to trigger angina episodes. You are certainly making it much harder for your heart if you are in the habit of smoking. There is a scientific explanation that explains the correlation between smoking and angina attacks. Cigarette smoke absorbs the oxygen dissolved in the blood, whereas nicotine is responsible for constricting blood vessels. Both of these conditions lead to angina as the quantity of oxygen in the blood is reduced and, at the same time, less blood reaches your heart because of shrinking in arteries. Second hand smoke is equally dangerous, so you have to make sure that you stay away from active as well as passive smoking.ย 

7. Take your time while getting up in the morning

The early hours of the day are the most dangerous for your heart, so it is better that you make your morning a bit slow. Stretch a little bit and give yourself sufficient amount of time before breakfast. You may end up putting a lot of extra pressure on your heart if you force it in the morning hours. This extra pressure on your heart can trigger an angina attack.

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