Allergies Research

Allergies: Research

Top Research

1. Anaphylaxis

Anaphylaxis has been identified as a life threatening allergic reaction. Recent studies reveal that specific medicines, foods and insect bites are the primary factors behind its manifestation. The condition is mainly treated by injecting epinephrine into the patientโ€™s body. However, latest researches are being made for the development of sublingual epinephrine to cure anaphylaxis. Researchers believe the sublingual form to be a safer and effective option and definitely one for the future. Using hymenoptera venom is also believed to be a possible alternative option for desensitizing anaphylaxis patients. However, researches are still at an initial phase for its effectiveness against allergic reactions from insect bites.

2. Food allergies

Food allergies result when the immune system of the body mistakenly identifies any protein substance as harmful. The food allergies can be anywhere between mild to severe. Latest research developments on food allergies include specific tolerance for oral induction and anti-immunoglobulin E antibody. These treatment plans have shown considerable promise in preventing possible allergy triggers from specific food items. Common treatment procedures include desensitization (immunotherapy) or avoiding the identified food or food items. Allergic reaction to certain food items like nuts, milk, eggs and bananas have led scientists to the research of avoiding specific food substances. However, the process of identifying a possible allergy trigger from a food item is still a very tricky one for the modern day researchers.

3. Eosinophilia

This allergic condition exists when there is a significant increase in eosinophil count within the blood. Parasitosis or itchy rashes with inflammation are the common symptoms of eosinophilia. Latest researches made on this subject have revealed hypersensitive reaction in case of certain drugs as the main reason behind the occurrence of eosinophilia. NSAIDs, allopurinol, sulfonamides, antiepileptics and aromatic anticonvulsants have been identified as the principal drugs behind the creation of eosinophilia. Corticosteroids like prednisone are still used for the treatment of eosinophilia. Side effects such as depression, type 2 diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis and Cushingโ€™s syndrome are common with long term intake of prednisone. However, the comforting news is that scientists from Europe and America are on the verge of discovering a suitable alternative to prednisone with least side effects.

4. Allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis takes place when an individual with a very sensitive immune system inhales harmful allergens such as animal dander, dust, pollen etc. It causes nasal airway inflammation and as a result symptoms like blocked nose and difficulty in breathing occur. Researchers have discovered an effective way to identify the harmful allergen responsible for the patientโ€™s discomfort in the form of radioallergosorbent test or RAST test. This latest medical research breakthrough is still under observation although many people have already benefited from it. The RAST test differs considerably from the traditional skin allergy testing. New researches are being conducted in relation to the effectiveness of nasal sprays and acupuncture for the treatment of allergic rhinitis.

5. Urticaria

Urticaria is a type of skin irritation or rash with noticeable itchy raised bumps. There are no such definite treatment procedures for urticaria. As per the recent researches made on urticaria, scientists are putting emphasis on identifying the primary trigger for devising a suitable treatment plan. Urticaria can be noticed among both children and adults. Taking this into consideration, scientists recently have declared separate diet charts for kids and adults. According to it, the adults should avoid nuts and shellfish, and children suffering from this allergic reaction must stay away from soy, wheat, eggs, peanuts and shellfish. Latest research developments also reveal that certain bacteria like Helicobacter pylori and streptococcus increase this form of allergic reaction within the body.

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