Advice for those looking for a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle

When looking for a wheelchair accessible vehicle, people’s individual circumstances need to be taken into account. Whether you need a vehicle that’s adapted for you to drive in or a vehicle that’s been modified so that you can travel more comfortably in your chair as a passenger, you will find several options to explore. As there is such a huge variety of different wheelchair accessible vehicles out there, here’s some advice to follow when it comes to choosing yours:

  • What kind of vehicle are you looking for?

Looking for an adapted vehicle for you to drive as a disabled driver is very different to looking for a vehicle which has space for wheelchair users as passengers. Being clear about exactly what you’re looking for is essential so that you don’t waste your time. Once you’ve sorted which type of vehicles you need to look at, weigh up the pros and cons of getting a new or used vehicle.

  • Size

Will you need a small, medium or large wheelchair accessible vehicle? With wheelchair accessible vehicles available in all different sizes, you’ll need to be certain of the measurements of your chair before you go shopping so that you get the right one. Smaller vehicles tend to accommodate only 4 passengers; so, if you have a large family, it’s likely that you’ll need medium or larger models.

  • Create a checklist

Allied Mobility

For a wheelchair bound individual, a number of extra modifications can be helpful on a wheelchair accessible vehicle. In order to be sure of what you’re looking for, take a look at the different types of vehicles available with a trusted supplier like Allied Mobility. You’ll get a feel for what extras would benefit you. Things like whether you want to sit next to the driver or in the back can be changed. Whether you require a lift or a ramp for getting in and out is another important factor that needs to be talked through with your main carer beforehand. When out and about, if you have a ramp at the back of the vehicle, will this be as convenient for you as having one at the side? These little things can improve your quality of life so it’s important to tailor the vehicle to your individual needs as possible.

Getting a wheelchair accessible vehicle can be life changing for people with disabilities and their families so it’s really important to find the best possible one for you.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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