Acute Myeloid Leukemia Prevention

Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Prevention

Top Prevention

1. Quit smoking

One of the greatest risk factors for AML is smoking. It is easy for people to understand the harmful effects of cigarette smoke on the lungs, larynx, mouth and throat, which it comes into direct contact with. However, the carcinogenic constituents of cigarette smoke get absorbed into the blood stream via the lungs and affect a host of cells that are not actually exposed directly to smoke. Thus giving up smoking and consumption of tobacco in any other form will dramatically reduce the risk of contracting AML. If one is already an addict, one could utilize the help of support groups to achieve the same.

2. Reducing exposure to radiations

It has been found that the survivors of the atomic bomb in Japan had a very high possibility of developing acute leukemia which they developed within a few years of the exposure. While it is a confirmed fact that such exposures to radiation surely lead to AML, the effect of small doses as in X-Rays, CT scans and radiation therapies are not yet ascertained. However, it would be advisable to prevent exposure to such radiation as far as possible. This is especially true for the developing fetus and infants as they are more susceptible to radiation. Ensure that you wear special jackets laced with lead whenever in the vicinity of a radiation source.

3. Reducing exposure to benzene in the workplace

Long term exposure to high levels of the chemical benzene is known to cause AML. Benzene is a common solvent that is used extensively in shoe manufacturing, chemical plants, oil industries, petrochemical industries and in rubber industry. People working in these industries must observe all precautions to prevent exposure to benzene. They must insist that the workplace be made hazard free and have proper safety measures in place. Benzene is also present in art supplies, paint supplies, cigarette smoke, detergents and other cleaning products, and so one must check the labels of these household products and use them with a mask if necessary.

4. Additional precautions to be observed by patients

Patients of certain diseased conditions like Hodgkin’s disease, childhood acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) and non Hodgkin lymphoma have been found to be more susceptible to AML. Secondary leukemia also sometimes occurs in patients who have been treated for breast, ovarian, testicular and other cancers. This is because they would have already been exposed to radiations and chemotherapy with drugs like mechlorethamine, chlorambucil, procarbazine, melphalan, teniposide, etoposide and cyclophosphamide. Such patients must be extra careful and should not even associate slightly with any of the products (household ones too) that contain even trace amounts of carcinogens.

5. Educating oneself about the disease

There are some risk factors that simply cannot be helped. Certain genetic disorders like Down’s syndrome or Blackfan Diamond syndrome are known to increase associated risk of AML. So are some circumstances like having an identical twin with AML. Educating oneself completely and comprehensively about AML will help to at least mitigate the intensity of the disorder.

6. Keeping away from transmission lines

Heavy duty electrical transmission lines emit powerful electromagnetic fields. Exposure to such fields is believed to increase one’s susceptibility to AML. Thus, when on a lookout for houses or sites to build offices, make sure that they are away from the power grid lines. In cases when it is inevitable that you have to stay in such areas, design your homes in such a manner that the bedrooms are facing away from the transmission lines. You get cheap, portable devices that can measure the magnetic field in an area. It would be advisable to keep one at home to check the field strengths.

7. Keeping away from controversial risk factors

Some chemicals, substances and circumstances are suspected to cause AML. Though there is no concrete proof, it would do one good to be aware and take necessary precautions. Many organic solvents, petrochemicals, herbicides and pesticides are believed to increase the susceptibility to AML. Wearing masks, gloves and taking other safety measures is highly recommended.

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