Interpret your nightmares: Real meanings of dreams

Dream and nightmares

Dreaming is a common phenomenon among humans. The fact is that most of the dreams do not stay in our minds unless they are very special or create an impact in our minds. According to the researchers, most of the people have dreams with similar themes. Many people have been trying their best to interpret these dreams. Some of them are quite bizarre while others seem to make some sense. Here is a list of top ten dreams that are very common among people. The list has been prepared by the Association for the Study of Dreams.

1. Car doubles

In such dreams you are inside or close to a car or some other vehicle that loses its control and has a lot of other problems that cannot be set right. For example, it can be a brake failure, loss of control of the steering or the vehicle heading speedily and crashing. This kind of dream is very common and many people have had this dream. Such dreams show that you are feeling lost or having no control on your life, metaphorically meaning that you are heading for a doom.

2. Faulty machinery

In this kind of dream you are trying to repair some mechanical device that does not work according to how you want it. Most of these dreams involve a phone with a dialing trouble, losing connection or dialing a wrong number. Sometimes it also involves a broken internet connection or a broken device. This dream suggests that you are losing connection with reality or that some part of your body is not functioning properly. Such dreams also occur when you are worried about establishing connections with some person.

3. Lost or trapped

Sometimes you may be in a situation where you are not sure about what decision to take or how to react. During such occasions you may have this kind of dream where you will find yourself trapped or in a strange place. Sometimes, you may even dream of being caught in a web or unable to move etc. There is a fear factor also involved. This means that you are not able to take the right choice.

4. Missed a plane or boat

This is a different kind of dream where you will be running to board a plane, train or a bus. But you will miss it just by a faction of a second. You may feel frustrated after this dream. Such a dream means that you have missed an important and useful opportunity in life and that you are struggling to take an important decision.

5. Failing a test

People who have been out of school for a long time usually get this kind of dream. In this dream, you may find yourself trying very hard to pass the test. Sometime you may be unable to reach on time, unable to find the correct room, miss your equipment etc. This dreams means that you are being tested in some way or other in life. You may also feel that you are not doing enough or taking the wrong step in life.

6. Dying or ill

In such kinds of dreams you may find either yourself or a loved one ill or dying. Such dreams mostly occur when someone close to you is suffering from some kind of illness. This dream means that you are emotionally disturbed or are frightened of being hurt in some way. It can also be a warning signal of some upcoming risk in life. If the person in the dream is someone else, it could also mean that you want the person to go away or fear that you may lose the person.

7. Being chased

Being chased can be a horrifying experience whether it is in your real life or a dream. Most of the people who have such dreams see that they are being chased by some animal, monster or some other people. This means that someone is looking for you and making you frightened. If you have such a dream, find out what the creature following you resembles most. Sometimes, such dream can also be a replay of an event in your life.

8. Missing or bad teeth

Most of the people have teeth dreams that show missing or decayed teeth. Sometimes you may even dream that all your teeth have started to fall apart. Such dreams do not have any specific meanings but may have something related to your looks. Maybe that you are feeling unattractive. If you think of it deeply, it could also mean that you fear of loss or embarrassment.

9. Nudity

In this dream you may be in a state of partial undress or nudity. This sometimes signifies that you witnessed a situation where the other person was naked and you are in clothes. This dream means shame and embarrassment and at times feeling of freedom and pride. Sometimes it can also mean that you are feeling awkward and exposed. An interesting fact is that people involved in a wedding ceremony get this type of dream.

10. Sinking or falling

Dreams where we fall is very common among most of the people. There are various myths attached to this dream. It sometimes means that you are going to die, lose freedom, fall apart or in some kind of danger. Person who has such a dream has a great feeling of insecurity in life and is looking forward for some kind of support. If you get such a dream you need to review your situation, find the problem and fix it as soon as possible.

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