Yeast Infection Causes

Yeast Infection: Causes

Top Causes

1. Certain chemicals

Avoid using scented toilet products. Scented soaps, vaginal sprays, deodorants, commercial douches, lubricated condoms (containing nonoxynol-9) and spermicides can cause yeast infections. Latex condoms can also cause this infection in some women. It is better to use polyurethane condoms. Frequent douching can disrupt the normal pH balance of the vagina as it washes away the beneficial bacteria. Scented toilet papers, bubble bath, perfumed sanitary pads and tampons can be the main culprit behind yeast infections.

2. Hormonal imbalance

Hormonal imbalance often plays a vital role in developing yeast infection in women. Pregnancy, menstrual periods and oral contraceptives or steroids often cause severe hormonal imbalance resulting in a yeast infection. During pregnancy, fluctuation in the estrogen levels disrupts the normal pH level in the vagina, creating a favorable ground for yeast multiplication.

3. Food and diet

Your dietary habit can be a cause of yeast infection. If you have a sweet tooth, then you have higher chances of contacting this infection. As mentioned earlier, yeast loves sugar and multiplies fast feeding on it. Cut down the intake of sugar and refined foods. Bakery products also favor yeast infection as these are made from yeast. Many women take brewerโ€™s yeast as an additional nutritional supplement as it is enriched with vitamins. But prolonged intake of brewerโ€™s yeast may trigger yeast infection.

4. Diabetes

Are you diabetic? This may be another cause of your yeast infection. Yeast feeds on sugar and the presence of sugar in urine provides the perfect environment for rapid yeast multiplication. Men and women suffering from type II diabetes are susceptible to yeast infection. Check your blood sugar level regularly to prevent the recurrence of this infection.

5. Antibiotics

Well, you may be taking a few courses of antibiotics to treat a serious ailment, but this can give rise to yeast infections too. Prolonged use of antibiotics destroys both the harmful and beneficial bacteria (lactobacillus bacteria) in our body, creating a serious imbalance of yeast and bacteria. Consequently, there is an overgrowth of yeast compared to beneficial bacteria resulting in yeast infection.

6. Unprotected sex

Yeast infection is also common among people indulging in unprotected sex. Having multiple sex partners or indulging in sex without condoms can be quite risky. Although, it is not counted among sexually transmitted diseases, but unprotected sex is undoubtedly one of the important causes behind yeast infection. Indulging in vaginal sex after anal sex without proper clean up often triggers the infection. Both men and women might suffer from frequent yeast infections as a result of unprotected anal sex.

7. Weakened body immunity system

You may suffer from frequent attacks of yeast infection due to a weakened body immunity system. The yeast candida multiplies rapidly if your body immunity system is compromised due to prolonged illness. Your body lacks the strength to restrict the yeast multiplication, which ultimately manifests through various symptoms of yeast infection. People suffering from HIV infection and cancer have suppressed body immunity systems and are susceptible to this infection.

8. Moist condition of your crotch

Damp and moist condition of your crotch is another major cause of yeast infection. Prolonged moisture build up in the genital area favors fast multiplication of yeast causing yeast infection. Keep your crotch dry throughout the day. Wear the right type of clothing. Always select cotton undergarments to enable free air circulation. Stay away from attractively designed nylon and synthetic step-ins.

9. Poor hygiene

Extremely poor hygiene condition of the genitalia is one of the prime causes of yeast infection in both males and females. Yeast grows rapidly under such conditions producing irritable symptoms. Women are more vulnerable to yeast infections and poor hygiene of the vaginal area often gives rise to vaginal yeast infection. Clean your genital area thoroughly with lukewarm water whenever you step out of the washroom.

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