Types, Causes and Natural Remedies for Headaches


Most of you suffer from headaches. When you have a headache, you may not be able to concentrate on anything. If it is severe, everything seems to be out of control. The ache may affect a small part of your head or the whole head. Most often, it may strike the temples or around your eyes. Though very painful and annoying, most of the headaches do not indicate any serious condition. They can be taken care of by appropriate medications and certain lifestyle changes.

Types of Headaches

Headaches are of two types – primary and secondary. Cluster, migraine and tension headaches are of the primary type. Secondary headaches are caused due to some structural problems in the neck or head and disorders like infection, brain tumor or injury.

1. Tension

The least painful and the most common type of headache is the tension headache. It accounts for about 70% of the headaches. It results in a feeling of tightness in the neck and head muscles. Though the exact reasons are not clear, most of the experts believe that they can be due to emotional, physical and work-related stress. Women suffer more from this headache than men and it is common in adolescents and adults. Tension headaches are isolated incidents but may become persistent for some of them.

2. Migraine

Throbbing and severe headaches with sensitivity to sound and light are the symptoms of migraine. They are also very common type of primary headache. Just like the tension headaches, the reasons for the migraine headaches are still being researched. Some experts believe that the ache is due to the lack of balance in the nervous system particularly in the trigeminal nerve. It triggers the inflammation and dilation of blood vessels in the head. Both children and adults are affected by migraine. Women suffer more from this type of headache than men.

3. Cluster

Cluster headaches are less common when compared to other types. They usually affect men. Most of you who suffer from this type of headaches belong to the age group 28-30 years. In some people, the headaches begin in childhood itself. No specific reason has been found associated with these headaches. However, the brain scans of patients show some kind of abnormal hypothalamus activity. This part regulates the internal clock. There is sharp pain behind one eye and lasts for about 30-45 minutes.


The leading causes are tension and stress. There are some other reasons for these headaches that include anxiety, depression, lack of sleep, dehydration due to diabetes or skipped meals, low blood sugar, lack of caffeine, foods containing monosodium glutamate, eyestrain, strong smells, loud noises, sunlight, over stimulation and sudden change in weather.

Natural Remedies

Medicines like aspirin may be able to bring some temporary relief. Other medications come with certain types of side effects too. In order to cure the headaches, you can make use of some simple and effective home remedies. They can be used as natural healers for most of the primary headaches.

1. Ice-pack

Ice-pack is very helpful in relieving headaches quickly. All you have to do is apply the packs to your neck and upper back areas. Headaches caused by food allergies, anger, depression, stress and worry can be healed quickly.

2. Water

Most of the headaches are caused by dehydration that results in muscle contraction. Drink a lot of water to remain hydrated. Everyone should drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. It relieves your headache and makes you feel good too.

3. Herbal compress

Another simple way to relieve headaches is by using herbal compress. Use a wet cloth dipped in cold water or place it in the refrigerator. Add a few drops of peppermint oil to it and apply the compress to the affected areas for about 15 minutes. You will get relief within few minutes.

4. Massage

Massage is also an effective way of treating primary headaches. It relieves the tensed muscles in the head, shoulder and neck areas after a massage. Massage is good for getting relief from stress too.

5. Hot bath

Hot water is good for relieving the contracted muscles. It also helps to provide relaxation to the whole body. So taking a hot bath can help you to get rid of your headache and provide instant relief to your body.

6. Sleep well

Loss of sleep is one of the reasons for getting headaches. So try to sleep well so that you can wake up fresh in the morning. You need to get at least 8 hours of sleep every day.

7. Other remedies

Other things you can do to relieve your headaches are applying hot water bottle to the affected areas, using acupuncture, avoiding bright lights and foods causing allergic reactions and regular exercising.

All the remedies work differently for every person. So use the best one that suits you.

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