Myths about fibroids

Fibroids are the tumors that develop in the smooth muscle of the uterus wall. There are certain myths that are believed regarding it such as, one must have undergone hysterectomy then only got infected with fibroid, or that after a fibroid diagnosis there is no possibility of pregnancy. These myths are explained away below.

Fibroids are triggers for endometrial cancer

A common myth that surrounds fibroids is that they inevitably lead to cancer. But, the truth is that only one out of thousand cases of fibroids develop malignancy. Although it is true that endometrial cancer in women is increasing at an equally alarming rate as fibroid cases in the current scenario, there is no direct link between the two diseases. Rather, medical findings suggest that the risk factors that lead to fibroids are the same as that for endometrial cancer.

Bigger fibroids are always carcinogenic

Among of the common beliefs that circulate around fibroids is that the bigger the size of the fibroid, the more is the patient’s vulnerability to cancer. This is an unscientific claim. Women who are closer to the age of 50 years tend to have bigger fibroids. But, these do not have any connection to malignant tumors. Some fibroids might grow to become as huge as a fetus. But, in most cases they are absolutely benign.

You must undergo a hysterectomy if you suffer from fibroids

This was a myth that took birth in the United States in the 70s when it was believed that cases of fibroids can only be treated by a hysterectomy. But, modern science reveals that this is completely unnecessary. Even the most critical fibroid case can be treated with medicines, laser treatments and a uterine-sparing operation. Thus, instead of removing the whole uterus it is now possible to get the fibroid removed.

You cannot become pregnant if you have ever suffered from fibroids

A very active myth is that fibroids hamper pregnancy. However, many women with impending pregnancy come to know that they suffer from fibroids only when they undergo ultra sonography before child delivery. Doctors remove the same by a myomectomy operation during child delivery. But, sometimes fibroids may cause gynecological complications and miscarriages in a few women. So the above statement is only partially true.

You can cure fibroids completely with birth control pills

A theory says that fibroids can be treated and cured by oral intake of birth control pills. There is no scientific logic behind this claim. Women suffering from fibroids might witness reduced bleeding during menstruation when they are on birth control pills. But, this is only because the hormones present in these pills restrict the blood flow and not because of any stimulatory effect on the fibroids. Such pills never cure fibroids completely.

Hormone treatment aggravates the chances of occurrence of fibroids
Some myths remark that hormone treatments like estrogen, progesterone injections, or administering of birth control pills only aggravate the chances of occurrence of fibroids. No association of hormone treatments with the recurrence or development of fibroid in a woman has been found yet. Rather, women who are even in their pre menopausal or post menopausal phases can go for hormone replacement therapy without any fear of developing fibroids at all. But, medical consultation is necessary based on the varying internal conditions of women.Magical dietary supplements can cure fibroids

One of the myths regarding fibroids states that fibroids can be treated with a special magic diet. One should never fall for such false promises. Fibroids can never be cured without therapy, medicines, or surgery.

Remove your uterus after child birth to stay protected against fibroids

A widely believed myth that was quite popular, even until recently, is that a woman must remove her uterus by surgery if she already has had children. The myth further stated that the work of the uterus is over after child birth. And that now it will only invite the development of fibroids. But, recent studies have shown that the uterus is an important female organ that also regulates the functions of other organs. For instance, the uterus is directly connected to ovaries. Hence, removal of uterus will lead to premature menopause, decreased sexual urges and unwanted hormonal changes. Thus, the belief that the uterus should be removed post-child birth is now regarded as an unscientific myths.

If you eat red meat, you are three times more vulnerable to fibroids.
Some time back, a myth that was common regarding fibroids is that women who consume red meat more are more prone to development of fibroid in their uterus at a later stage. This is again a baseless claim. Although meat supplies higher level of estrogen to the body, intake of hormone in any form has got nothing to do with the development of fibroids. Vegetarian women may even be victims of uterine fibroid.

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