Teaching First Aid to Elementary Students: How To Do It Right


A lot of people live under the impression that first aid needn’t be taught until the opportunity actually arises. However, the irony is that we don’t need a mishap to occur to prepare us for it. First aid is one such preparation that everyone must be equipped with in cases of unfortunate accidents like burning, hurting, or cutting oneself. Not just to the adults, but teaching first aid to elementary students is important too.

This is useful not just for saving lives, but also for building self-confidence and good communication skills along with a sense of importance and reliability that comes with it.

Why is teaching first aid to elementary students important?

Teaching-First-Aid-to-Elementary-StudentsSafety is a very important issue when kids are concerned. Even though parents try to keep their children from the upcoming dangers, there is always a threat that accidents may happen. A lot of kids around the world die due to accidents taking place at home. Children should be taught to stay away from matches, phenols, and rat poison, and that is why teaching first aid to elementary students is as important as it can get.

When children grow old enough, their parents cannot physically back them up every minute of the day.A lot of times, kids need to fend for themselves independently. In that moment of time, these children must be aware of how to react in a particular situation.

Why is it important to teach first aid to kids in a fun and interesting way?

Children are very sensitive by nature. Forcing them or putting the burden on them to learn something is wrong. Children grasp stuff better when taught in a playful environment instead of a stressful one.

Teaching first aid to pre-schoolers isn’t as important as it is to teach elementary schools students. Elementary school students are quite grown up and can protect themselves and the ones around them when anything goes wrong. And making them understand the requirements of first aid also plays an important role in building their character and shaping their personality in the long run.

Tips on how to teach first aid in a fun way:

Teaching-First-Aid-to-Elementary-StudentsUnderstanding and teaching first aid to elementary students can be fun for both the kids and the teachers if it is done the right way.Using games to teach first aid is quite an easy method to get along with the task at hand.

Making a kit:

Teach them to make a first aid kit. Put first-aid supplies like medicines, bandages, or cold syrup in it one by one and demonstrate to them the use of each item. So that whenever a situation of emergency arises, they are well aware of what should be their next step.

Playing games:

Teaching-First-Aid-to-Elementary-StudentsSometimes, teaching first aid to elementary students can get a little challenging. See to it that you play games with them which can provide them with some knowledge. Become their patient and tell them some imaginary symptoms. And then watch their response.

Making charts and drawings:

Many children do not have the patience to listen to their elders. Hence, parents and teachers must learn how to teach first aid in a fun way. Adopting a fun learning method will go a long way in deeply rooting these habits into their minds. Different body parts with injuries must be drawn and on the other side draw some first aid. Tell them to match it. They would then very well know basic first aid for different injuries.

Actions and consequences:

Always use the word ‘might’ in place of ‘will’ wheneveryou speak to them about a particular scenario,for example, a fracture. This will help them weigh the consequences of their actions, thereby making them more careful in the future. The kids, hence, are more likely to avoid things which will lead to injury.

Raising alarm:


They should be assured that it is not necessary to handle every situation by themselves. See to it that they understand that sometimes an adult’s help is a must. An elder can always help him or her in any situation. Be accessible in every way and make your kid understand that you are only a call away if things get out of hand for them.

How can parents and teachers instillfirst aid knowledgein the minds of kids?

Keep it light:

While teaching first aid to elementary students, always try and create a playful environment. Instead of giving serious examples of themselves getting injured in some car accident or so, give examples of some minor accidents which would not make them anxious, rather it will instill the required lessons in them without scaring them off.

Basic skills:

Ice cubes

Try to impart basic skills in your children. They can be told about what to do when there is a bleeding wound. They should know that by applying pressure, the bleeding is bound to stop. Whenever your kids have any injury, use ice cubes so that they remember that ice can be used for injury.

In case of a burn, they should be aware that the burned area should be kept under cold running water. Teaching your kids such basic skills will empower them to take care of unfortunate situations without the presence of an adult until proper help arises. Using games to teach first aidis a good idea to go about this process

Overstepping their abilities:

The teachers must always use certain tactics while teaching first aid to elementary students. Issues like when to step into a situation, and when to back out, must be clearly taught. A kid must always know that the first thing that always matters before anything else is their own personal safety.

At home or at school, they should always be told about the do’s and don’ts. They should be informed that they need to stay away from dangerous situations like deep water or fire. Basically, focus on educating your kid on how to prevent any mishaps before you teach them what to do when one occurs.

Summing it up:

As mentioned above, it is the need of the hour that priority should be given to providing knowledge regarding teaching first aid to pre-schoolers and elementary school students. This initiative must be taken not just by the school, but also by the parents too. These kids should always be taught this in a relaxing and fun way so as to not drive them to the point of fear while carrying out their daily activities.

Elementary school kids are old enough to understand the difference between what is good for them and what is not. Channel this understanding into a more productive outcome to ensure that they are well able to take care ofthemselves in your absence if ever they need to.

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