
Stroke: Help, Support and Overcome

Stroke Overview

A stroke is defined as the sudden loss of brain function due to interruption in the blood flow to the brain. A stroke can hit without warning and can cause permanent neurological damage, paralysis, or even death. In the US alone, it is rated as the leading cause of disability among adults, and the second most common cause of death. It is estimated that every 45 seconds, someone in the US has a stroke.


The flow of blood to the brain can be interrupted for several reasons. It can be due to a hemorrhage, where there is a leakage of blood; or an ischemia, which is a lack of blood flow due to the formation of blood clots. There are many factors which put a person at risk of suffering a stroke. Hypertension, diabetes, atrial fibrillation, cigarette smoking and a previous history of stroke can all put a person at greater risk of stroke. Incidences of stroke have been found to be higher among people over the age of 65 years, heavy or binge drinkers, overweight or obese people, and users of drugs like cocaine and methamphetamine as well. It is also more common among women than men, and African American people show a higher susceptibility than people of other races.


The most common type of stroke is the ischemic stroke. This type of stroke occurs usually due to atherosclerosis. Prolonged atherosclerosis can cause clots to be formed in the bloodstream, which can affect the flow of blood to the brain. Hemorrhage strokes are the second most common, where the capillaries in the brain weaken and burst or begin leaking. The flow of blood in this case may damage brain cells.

Help and Support for Stroke

Strokes are caused by two different events. In case of severe atherosclerosis, blood clots can affect the flow of blood. A stroke that occurs due to clot formation in the brain is called a thrombic stroke, while one that occurs due to clot forming in the bloodstream and traveling to the brain is called an embolic stroke. The symptoms of a stroke depend on which part of the brain is being affected. Sudden loss of voluntary movement or numbness along one side of the body is a common symptom. Sudden confusion, trouble in understanding or speaking, drooling, lack of coordination, dizziness are all also associated with stroke.


Diagnosis of stroke employs diverse methods. Doctors may inquire as to your medical history, check the back of your eyes for blood clots, or check for symptoms of atherosclerosis. Depending on the severity and nature of the symptoms, the doctor may choose to employ Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), blood tests, CT scans, carotid ultrasound, arteriography or echocardiography.


Prevention of stroke can be achieved by reducing the various risk factors. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, giving up or reducing smoking, drinking etc, reducing risk of hypertension can all help prevent stroke.

Overcome Stroke

Treatment of stroke varies depending on the severity and cause. The most important thing to remember is that a stroke is a medical emergency and getting to the emergency room quickly, within 3 hours, can reduce disability and save lives. In most cases, hospitalization is necessary, possibly including intensive care and life support. Blood thinners or thrombolytic medicine, such as tPA, may be used to break up clots and restore blood flow to normal. In case of severe paralysis, long term therapy may be used to help the patient recover. It must be noted that recovery pattern and period varies from person to person.

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