Stress Causes

Stress: Causes

Top Causes

1. Rage

Anger and stress go hand in hand. One cannot live without the other. Some folks are more prone to anger and stress. More than often not, our attitudes cause anger and stress. We have to realize that anger can lead to pointless stress and, thus, a playground for many destructive diseases.

2. Addictive or unhealthy activities

There are certain unhealthy and addictive behavior which lead to stress, like consuming too much caffeine, which can be quite harmful as it is a drug and too much can lead to sleep deprivation. Smoking and consuming alcohol can lead to addiction, ill health and, thus, higher stress levels. Factors like obsessive spending and self damage also adversely affect our health.

3. Type A personality

A Type A person becomes stressed when he or she is over-enthusiastic and obsessive about work and perfection. They can often be impatient and get frustrated very soon. They talk at a very fast pace and tend to have a short fuse. This can be a cause for worry as it often leads to hypertension because of high blood pressure, heart disease at a relatively young age and societal seclusion.

4. Pessimism

In a research conducted of ninety-nine Harvard students, it was seen that optimists were much healthier than the pessimists. They would be so later in their life too. A negative state of mind has also been linked to higher rates of communicable diseases, ill health and even an early death. Cognitive therapy can be more useful than drugs for clinically depressed people. When people believe in themselves and their capabilities, they expect good stuff to happen.

5. Irritants

There are those miniscule irritating factors which can blast off a full scale stress mode. Some of them are like meetings in office, school, commuting troubles, instability in family life, and lack of time to relax and have fun are key worry factors. You have a continuous squabble with them almost every single day and there is no escaping. So, they might be minor but they can never be negligible. Not all causes are due to external factors, sometimes they are self generated too.

6. Physical condition

The world has come a long way in terms of technology and expertise but diseases are on the rise too. There are now more cases of heart malfunctions, hypertension, sugar related ailments etc. People who are not well do tend to worry a lot and they need to get out of this depressed state of mind. A healthy life style is a must to maintain a good physical condition and, thus, be free from tension.

7. Personal affairs

Our near and dear ones can be our major cause of well being as well as stress. Trifle things like the mindset of relatives, change of city, and conflict with spouse or children can cause a lot of stress. A study conducted by an institute on aging reached to the conclusion that protracted or recurring conflict was responsible for a lot of health issues and performance restrictions. Parenthood is a common factor responsible for stress. It has been seen that parents are more prone to get depressed than people who do not have any kids. An increase in the number of divorces and single parenthood has also contributed to augmenting isolation and, thereby, more stress.

8. Job pressure

There is constant stress at workplace. Difficult associates, over work and negative reception are a few reasons why our jobs have become a cause of worry. There is tough competition everywhere and you might be anxious about your boss, your target and all this will obviously give you sleepless nights and make you more frustrated.

9. Monetary troubles

Money is a major factor contributing to high stress levels these days. Demand is more and the supply is less and you are not able to fulfill your dollar dreams at all. There is a massive pile up of debts, be it your credit card payments, mortgage payments or ever increasing expenditure of education, health etc. Seven out of ten people are stressed because of funds. People cope with it in negative ways such as drinking, smoking and over eating. They do not get proper sleep and often suffer from insomnia which weakens the immune performance and cognitive capabilities.

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