A-Z sleep aid secrets

Sleep is invaluable but daily stress and work prevent us from sleeping well. Below mentioned secrets can help you to snooze off to a good night sleep.

Sleep aid secrets

A- Avoid eating just before bed

Eating just before bed can cause uneasiness that can distract your sleep. Keep a gap of minimum one hour between your meal and your bed time.

B- Bathe before going to bed

A hot water bath is the best way of relaxing your muscles. However, the hot water bath needs to be taken 1 -2 hours before bed the scheduled bedtime.

C- Cut down on caffeine before bed

Caffeine works as a stimulant and thus keeps you awake. Avoid drinking any caffeinated beverage post-dinner.

D- Do not drink water or other liquids

You must completely avoid taking in fluids before sleeping. A lot of liquid can take you to a number of bathroom trips throughout the night, disturbing your sleep.

E- Exercise daily

Exercising daily for about 20-30 minutes can help you sleep well. However, make sure you exercise either in the morning or afternoons and not just before going to bed.

F- Fiction books or other books

Reading is a good exercise for your eyes. Reading just before going to bed help your eyes feel tired resulting in better sleep.

G- Give your bedroom a cool atmosphere

It becomes difficult to sleep in a hot and stuffy room. Make sure that the room is cool and there is proper cross-ventilation.

H- Heavy meals have to be avoided

You should always consume a heavy breakfast, satisfying lunch, healthy snacks and a light dinner. Heavy dinner can be difficult to digest due to minimum activity in the night hours. this can disrupt your sleep.

I- In your bed on time

Maintaining a bed time is very important. A routine bed time helps you sleep on time automatically.

J- Just avoid afternoon naps

Do not try to cover your lost sleep in the afternoons. Slowly and gradually you develop a pattern of sleeping in the afternoons and staying awakes in the nights, hence avoid afternoon naps.

K- Keep the volume low

Very high volume of household devices can disturb your sleep drastically. In case you cannot work on the volume use ear plugs to avoid them.

L- Lights need to be dim

Choose dim lights for your bedroom as darker bedrooms are cozier to sleep in. Sharp lights can hinder your sleep.

M- Meditate

Meditation is the best way to relax your body and mind. Practice meditations before going to bed.

N- No to computer or television screens

A television or a computer screen is the best stimulator for your mind, hence the best distraction. Switch them off to fall asleep.

O- Organize your bed before sleeping

A clean and an organized bed is the best place to sleep in. Make sure you use comfortable mattresses and pillows.

P- Please cut down on alcohol before bed

Alcohol is a depressant. Too much of alcohol can stress your mind and take you into depression. To sleep peacefully reduce or avoid alcohol consumptions before bed.

Q- Quit smoking

Smoking has a number of adverse effects on your body. It also hinders your sleep; hence you must try to quit smoking.

R- Rituals before going to bed

Practice relaxing rituals before going to bed. It can include listening to music, reading, preparing for the following day, etc.

S- Say no to late nights

Frequent late night parties or outing disturb your sleeping and eating habits. This part of modern life can hamper your health.

T- Try pampering yourself before bed

A simple foot cream application can help you relax your body and mind. Massage your feet a bit with the foot cream to feel even better.

U- Use relaxing methods

Keep mental and physical stress at a distance before going to bed. Stress is the biggest cause of insomnia.

V- Volunteer your sleep time

6 hours of sleep is enough for an adult. Oversleeping can affect your next day sleep.

W- Wake up on time

Waking up on time also helps you to sleep on time and also to sleep well.

X- X-factor

Understand the unexplainable importance of sleep and value its importance. Dedicate time to your body.

Y- Your comfort is important

To have a sound sleep you need to be comfortable. A comfortable atmosphere is important. Make sure you maintain it.

Z- Zzzzzz…….

Snooze off and sleep tight.

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