A-Z secrets to control blood pressure

Blood pressure

High blood pressure levels can turn into life snatching disease. Keeping such concerns in mind, here is a complete A to Z list of remedial measures to treat you back to health.

A – Aspirin therapy

Aspirin has proved to be an essential part of the blood pressure control program. It prevents clot formations that can block the artery.

B – Beverages

Herbal teas come with a bouquet of medical benefits. According to research, people consuming hibiscus tea on a regular basis demonstrated a dip in blood pressure levels.

C – Chocolate

The flavonols present within dark chocolates make blood pressure vessels elastic. Hence, it is advisable to get one that contains at least 70 percent cocoa.

D – Deep breathing

When it comes to reducing blood pressure, breathing has always proved helpful. Performing a few simple breathing exercises on a regular basis will allow you to keep blood pressure under control.

E – Exercise

It is one of the key factors that prevent towering levels of blood pressure. People starting with little exercise should work their way slowly and perform moderate level activities for up to thirty minutes at least. It is important to maintain the schedule regularly.

F – Food

Your daily food intake should include lots of green stuff in the form of vegetables and fruits. A healthy heart always drives blood pressure away.

G – Garlic supplements

Garlic is one of the most essential herbal supplements around. The bulbs are applied not merely during culinary exercises but are also known to have a deep impact on cholesterol and heart

H – Hawthorne treatment

A majority of herbal practitioners recommend Hawthorne treatments as a natural remedy for curing blood pressure risks. In fact, the herb does not interact negatively with drugs usually prescribed for fighting blood pressure levels.

I – Increase sleep

The less you sleep more susceptible the body becomes to all sorts of heart diseases and problems. Hence, it is absolutely imperative that you sleep for at least six hours daily.

J – Jog a lot

Jogging works wonders when it concerns treating heart diseases. Hence, people should jog every morning as and how their energy permits.

K – Keep work pressure under control

Towering work pressures always add to a person’s woes and leads him towards hypertension. Therefore, make sure that you do not over work yourself.

L – Lifestyle

Dearth of activities leads the heart to put in extra effort for pumping out blood. This, in turn, increases blood pressure. Therefore, it is important to maintain a proper lifestyle.

M – Medication

People should understand the importance of medicines prescribed for them. It is essential to know what the medication is expected to perform or how it has to be taken. Ask every such question to your doctor.

N – Nitric oxide increase

Nitric oxide is one of the main substances that helps keep our blood vessels open. A dip in the nitric oxide levels can increase blood pressure. Hence, steps must be taken to reduce nitric oxide.

O – Oil treatment

In this case we are pointing at fish oil supplements which include EPA and DHA, two forms of acids which play a vital role in reducing blood pressure

P – Professional Help

Understand the meaning of blood pressure readings and whether medication has been recommended for treating you.

Q – Quit smoking

According to popular research, smoking accentuates the chances of heart disease, arterial disease, stroke and different types of cancer.

R – Risk factors

Similar to other cardiovascular conditions around, blood pressure reflects a blend of uncontrollable and controllable risk factors such as age, race and heredity.

S – Salt and Sodium intake

Sodium and salt has every capacity to increase the levels of blood pressure. Therefore, it is important that people should read the food labels thoroughly.

T – Tension

Towering levels of tension increase heart rate, thereby speeding up the flow and increasing blood pressure. You must, therefore, learn to keep tension at bay.

U – Using monitoring devices

Buying a blood pressure monitoring device not only saves you a visit to the doctor but also helps you keep a tab on the possible medicinal effects.

V – Vinegar

A number of people had benefited from using apple cider vinegar to treat blood pressure. This may be accounted to the fact that vinegar contains vitamins and nutrients in large quantities.

W – Weight

You can avoid the woes of high blood pressure by keeping the weight under check. Size your meals and reduce the intake of high calorie food to attain the perfect weight

X – X-ray

Going for regular heart X-rays keeps you updated on the current situation of the heart and you can structure the health plans accordingly.

Y – Yeast supplements

Red yeast rice, the ancient Chinese cuisine, is considered by international bodies as an important substance for lowering cholesterol.

Z – Zealous about Potassium intake

You should have a real zeal for potassium in order to battle high blood pressure successfully. This is one element that enables the contraction of muscles, and removes body wastes.

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