Relieve menstrual cramps: Follow simple tips

Menstrual cramps

Menstrual cramps

Menstrual cramps are bite-like pains in the abdomen and lower abdominal areas of a woman’s body. Most women experience some degree of menstrual cramping during their menstrual age, from the time their periods start till menopause. The severity of the pain is directly proportional to how much of prostaglandins is released in the body. Some women are prostrated by severe menstrual cramps. Apart from the pain itself, they have to deal with embarrassing questions about well-being, looking pale or tired, etc. Work may get hampered and it may be difficult for them to carry out everyday responsibilities.

However, one need not go on bearing the pain and embarrassment associated with menstrual cramping indefinitely. Unless it is associated with some underlying medical problem, usually in the reproductive system, it is a regular medical phenomenon and is termed as primary dysmenorrhea and can be managed by simple life-style modifications. A secondary dysmenorrhea, where the pain occurs due to some other underlying cause, is more serious and needs medical attention.

Here are some tips to handle regular menstrual cramps or primary dysmenorrhea:

1. Hydration

Keeping the body well hydrated with the intake of plenty of water and fluids, like juice and buttermilk, will help reduce the cramps. Dehydration makes cramps more intense.

2. Regular exercise

Yoga postures like the butterfly pose, Kegel exercises, where one contracts and releases the pelvic muscles alternatively, simple aerobics and stretching all help in improving the levels of oxygen in blood. This, in turn, helps to release “feel good” hormones in the body and keeps the body flexible and healthy. So, moderate exercise on a regular basis would help in lowering the incidence and intensity of menstrual cramps. Walking at a fairly brisk pace, slightly faster than relaxed, is also very helpful.

3. Rest adequately

When in pain, it is helpful to include more rest in your routine. Lying in the fetal position, on one side with your knees drawn up to your chest, relieves back strain easily. Another helpful posture is to lie on your back with pillows under your knees. This takes the strain off the curve at the lower back and helps to ease off abdominal and back pain.

4. OTC medications

In case of very severe pains, opt for OTC or over the counter pain relievers. These are easily available in pharmacies.

5. Dietary supplements

Many women show improvement by introducing dietary supplements in their regular life-style. Supplements like Omega-3, Vitamin E or Calcium and even Vitamin B-Complex are helpful for many women.

6. Hot compress

Place a dry towel, heated on a dry pan over your abdomen. Alternatively, lie down with a hot-water bottle placed in your lower abdominal area. The heat relaxes the muscles and helps to relieve pain.

7. Warm shower

A warm shower acts in a similar manner like hot-compress. It relaxes the muscles and calms nerves frayed due to constant cramping and pain.

8. Avoid caffeine

Caffeine dehydrates the body. It is as important to avoid dehydration by saying “no” to coffee or aerated drinks as to keep the body hydrated with healthier fluids like water and juices.

9. Massage

An overall body massage is relaxing and reduces general aches and pains. Acupuncture is also advised by experts in painful afflictions like migraine, arthritis and is known to be effective in healing menstrual cramping.

10. Herbal tea

Do not ignore grandmother’s recipes. Ginger, mint and peppermint tea are all known to be pain relievers.

11. Consult doctor

If you notice that nothing is working, or if some unusual complication like heavy bleeding, clotting or spotting occurs see a gynecologist. The doctor will guide you towards simple lifestyle changes like diet and exercise to relieve you from pain. If required you will also be prescribed medication and supplements. Expert assessment of your situation can also rule out underlying conditions, if any.

A woman’s child-bearing age may well span over 3 and a half to four decades. There is no reason to bear menstrual cramps through the entire duration, without trying to relieve the pain. Involving oneself in hobbies, spending quality time with friends and family members, socializing, whether in person or on networking sites, all help to keep the focus away from pain and towards more constructive and rewarding activities. Listening to music, gardening or reading a gripping book would all help you to keep your mind away from the pain. All the tips outlined above are helpful in addition to avoiding a sedentary lifestyle and weight-gain.. So try to incorporate some of the tips which suit you, see a doctor if required and do not feel the need to bear menstrual cramping endlessly.

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