Actually, apple shaped women tend to carry major weight around their waist. Therefore, it is essential to do sore strengthening workout. Serious conditions can take place in the body when this fat becomes excessive. Cardiovascular exercises are vital to combat with apple shaped women. These exercises burn out all the fat and reduce their risk of complications. Even it is quite difficult to trim mid section for apple shaped women. But there are few exercises that are recommended to keep your entire body toned and tight. Try to work out 3 sets (with 10 to 20 repetitions in every set) of these exercises regularly:
Stair climbing
This type of exercises can be preformed either indoor or outdoor. You can do it in the privacy of your house or in a gym. This exercise is very simple. You just require walking up the stairs and then come back normally. You can also use a machine that can simulate this activity. Stair climbing is a perfect cardiovascular exercise that can burn up to ten calories in every minute. Moreover, the muscles of hips and legs will also be strengthened, apart from burning calories and fat. Muscles also help in burning fat in the body. Therefore, more muscles means more fat and calories will be burned.
Hip raises
This exercise helps in toning hips, lower abdomen and glues. Start with ling straight on the floor or on the mat while keeping your arms at the side for stability, facing towards floor. Now, keep your legs together and bend your knees. Then, squeeze the abdominal muscles and raise your buttocks and hips till your body comes in a straight line position (from the knees to the chest). Hold the same position for few seconds and then slowly come back to your original position by lowering your buttocks and hips towards the floor, but don’t allow them to touch the floor. Repeat the same exercise for 10 to 12 times. Complete three sets of same exercise while keeping some intervals.
Walking incline
Walking is one of the best and most common exercises out there. Anyone can perform this exercise because it is quite simple and easy. It can be done by experienced athletes as well as beginners. Walking will for sure burn your fat and calories, irrespective of your fitness level. It will also help in strengthening muscles of legs that will continuously burn fat and calories. Incline walking increases the amount of fat burned because the amount of energy required increases depending on the intensity of workout.
Side crunches
Side crunches is an excellent core strengthening exercise that helps in toning abdominal. It begins with ling on an exercise mat or on floor while keeping your knees bend and feet flat on the mat pointing away from each other. Now, grip your both hands behind your head and then, lift your upper body from the floor towards knees, but keep the abdominal muscles tight. Twist your torso towards right direction when your upper body is above the floor level. Now, return to your original position and repeat last step by changing the direction from right to left. Repeat the same exercise for 15 times. Complete three sets of same exercise while keeping some intervals.
Teaser is a perfect abdominal strengthening exercise. It begins with ling on the floor with straight legs. Then extend your legs up at 45 degrees from the floor. Now, get up towards your legs while keeping both arms straight till they come parallel to legs. Your torso and legs will form a v-shape at this position. Hold the same position for few seconds and then come back to the original position but keep your legs up. In the beginning, you can also perform this exercise while keeping one foot on the floor and the other straight in the air. Repeat it 10 to 20 times and three sets regularly.
Running is the next step of walking. Running can help in burning more calories and fat than walking. Even it can be performed by anyone. Running is the best exercise for those apple shaped women who want to burn more fat and calories in short time period. A higher amount of calories and fat will be expended because huge amount of energy is required for running. Beginners should follow proper programs with schedule so that they can run for longer distance. Primarily running is not easy to perform because a lot of energy is needed. But even a beginner can burn huge amount of fat and calories.