How to use peppermint oil for migraines

Peppermint oil for migraine

Migraine is the most common forms of headache that is experienced by people. Medical reports show that women suffer more from migraine attacks as compared to men. The typical characteristic of this headache is that it affects one side of the head and has a subtle indication beforehand, in the form of vision problems, nausea, pain in the eyes etc., which is medically termed as aura. Although this is a problem experienced by a lot of people, there is no sure shot treatments as such in allopathy that can heal migraine completely. Therefore, one has to depend upon the magical healing powers of the natural medicines. One of the most effective medicine of migraine is peppermint oil. But it is also important to understand in this regard that you need to know the correct application and dosage of peppermint oil to be administered in migraine attacks. An overdose can irritate the skin while an under dose can just fall in vain.

Complexity level: Easy

Time required: 5 – 6 minutes

Resources required:

1.Peppermint essential oil

2.Cool compress

3. Towel


The mode of application of peppermint oil varies according to the type of migraine. While some people can have an occasional migraine attack, others may be chronic sufferers of the same. There are yet others who have migraine due to sinus. Therefore, the following steps will help you to apply peppermint oil correctly as per your migraine type.

1. Treat migraine attacks from sinus.

Take a clean container and pour water into it. Now, set the container on flame and heat the water so that it starts boiling and emits steam. Now, remove the container from the flame and place it on a table, which will be in proper alignment with your body when you sit beside it to inhale the infusion. Add three drops of peppermint oil to the water and cover it with a thick towel.

2. Inhale the infusion.

Sit beside the table and lean forward, over the container. Remove the towel, insert your head in and drape the towel over your head again. Close our eyes and inhale the infusion deeply. Avoid the steam from escaping. In case if you feel a bit stronger infusion would have been better for you, you can further add a few drops of peppermint oil into this steaming water.

3. Treat your chronic migraine.

Take a few drops of peppermint oil on the finger tips of four of our fingers. Concentrate specially on the areas, like the back of your jawline, nape, behind your ears, on your temples and forehead and massage gently, without putting too much of pressure. After the massage go into a quite and dark room and lay comfortably on a soft bed. Get hold of a cloth compress that you need to cool before use by putting it inside a refrigerator for sometimes. Now, place this cold compress over your forehead, neck and then at the back of your neck and relax till the headache subsides.

4. Avoid your eyes.

While massaging the peppermint oil rub all over your forehead and neck, be very careful not to apply peppermint oil at all on the areas near your eyes or you might have suffer from burning eyes.

5. Treatment for occasional headache.

Occasional headache is best treated when you bathe yourself in a peppermint oil and water solution. Take a bath tub and fill it with lukewarm water. The temperature might be such that it is skin tolerant. Now, drop about twelve to fifteen drops of peppermint oil to this bath water. Allow about half an hour of time and let the essential oil soak in your bath water completely. Now, pour a mug of the prepared water gently all over your body, while placing a cold compress cloth over your forehead till the attack subsides. A better alternate is to take a bathtub bath with this solution.

Frequently asked questions:

Q1: Can chronic migraine be permanently cured by using peppermint oil?

Ans: Yes, but ensure that you use it regularly.

Q2: Shall I have to take away from possible causes of migraine too, together with the application of peppermint oil?

Ans: Yes, the oil will only show its effects if you pertain to other restrictions as well.

Quick tips:

  • If you have a regular morning headache, dab a few drops of peppermint oil onto your temples or your pillow cover, so that inhalation of the oil prevents recurrence of headache in the following morning.

Things to remember:

  1. Lactating mothers and pregnant women must not use peppermint oil.
  2. This oil is not recommended for babies.
  3. Using overdoses of peppermint oil can be harmful.

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