A cyst is an abnormal lump diagnosed on the body. It an initial symptom of it. Here are popular myths that are believed regarding it.
Cysts are only caused due to infections and so they are malignant
This is just a myth. Cysts can be caused by infections, but they can also develop because of other reasons. Generally, cysts look like sacs and are filled with fluid, gas or semi-solids. Therefore, people believe that they are caused by infection. But in reality, cysts can be caused by simple ‘wear and tear’ of cells and tissues because of which the flow of fluid is obstructed. They may also be caused by inflammatory conditions or genetic conditions. Some cysts may have been formed due to defects in development of organs in the embryo stage. Only in a few cases, cysts may be formed due to tumors.
Therefore, cysts are generally not malignant. But the myth has existed for more than 5 decades because the presence of most of the tumors is determined through cysts. This might prove a deterrent during treatment, as people may start panicking. But it must be noted that most of the cysts are benign and only some of them are tumors or life threatening. A thorough examination by a medical professional will help you understand whether a cyst is benign or requires medical attention.
Surgery is required to remove the cystToni Porwell from the Institute of Medical Sciences, Sweden states that only some cysts need surgical removal. This depends upon the size and location of the cyst and whether it is obstructing bodily functions. But, the good news is that not all the cysts require surgery. Therefore, the myth is not entirely true. Most of the cysts can go away on their own, but some others may require antibiotics or medication. But at the same time, this doesn’t mean that you must become complacent. If you have a cyst, you must consult a doctor and follow medical advice. Generally, surgeries are performed for cysts that are large or potentially threatening. For instance, medications can provide relief for acne cysts and dermoid cysts.Medication or surgery will definitely cure the cystThis myth is half true. While surgery and medications are effective ways of draining the cyst, yet this doesn’t guarantee that the cyst is fully removed or it will not recur. Several scientific studies around the world reveal that even surgeries or medication doesn’t guarantee that the cyst will not recur. This myth can be misleading for a lot of people who may take antibiotics and over the counter medications to treat cysts without even realizing that the medication might not work or is not necessary. For a cyst that produces symptoms, is painful or recurs, necessary medical intervention is required for treatment and prevention of recurrence of the cyst.There is no way of preventing cystsThis statement is partially true. Generally, people tend to believe that cysts can’t be prevented. So, they don’t take necessary prevention measures. Cysts on the skin can actually be prevented by following proper hygiene methods and through less use of products that may have caused a cyst before. At the same time, some other cysts, such as functional ovarian cysts, cannot be prevented. They are formed as a part of biological process during ovulation. But, several doctors may recommend birth control pills to women as these pills can help stabilize menstrual cycle and minimize cyst formation in several women.Biopsy is recommended for all cystsThis is not entirely true. In fact, this myth may actually deter treatment as people may run around in panic, trying to get a biopsy. The truth is that most of the cysts are functional and go away either or their own or through medication. As discussed before, cysts are generally benign. So, you don’t really have to go for a biopsy of the cyst. The myth probably emerged because most of the earlier tumors and cancers were diagnosed through cysts. But, some scans and tests may be recommended depending upon the type of cyst to determine the size and effect of the cyst. However, if a cyst is non functional and persists for a long time or recurs again and again, then the doctor can recommend biopsy to determine whether the cystic growth is cancerous or non cancerous.People suffering from cysts are overweightThis statement is partially true. Ovarian cysts mostly develop in underweight women. But, cysts can also occur in people of any age or weight. No evidence proves the theory that people with cysts are overweight. But at the same time, researchers from Health Sciences Department from New Zealand have concluded that if people with cysts are overweight and they lose weight, then their cyst condition shows improvement.Women with ovarian cysts or polycystic ovaries will never have childrenThis is one of the biggest myths about cysts and also a myth that deters treatment. Many women tend to believe that ovarian cysts or polycystic ovaries can cause infertility. But this is not true. Doctors all around the world are affirmative about the fact that some of the ovarian cysts may affect fertility but this doesn’t mean that a woman can’t have children. Most of the women with cysts or polycystic ovaries become pregnant naturally while some others require medical assistance. If a doctor tells you that you can’t have children because of ovarian cysts, then it’s high time that you change your doctor.