Myths about Arthritis

It is basically a joint disorder. It causes inflammation of one or more joints. Here are its popular myths.

Arthritis is an old age diseaseThis is a complete misconception, arthritis can occur at any age. As a matter of fact, arthritis can affect anyone at any age, including children, young adults and middle aged people. There are over 100 different types of arthritis. Among them Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis are the well known types. Women suffer more from Rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia than men. Ankylosing spondylitis and Gout appear more often in men. Psoriatic arthritis affects men and women in equal numbers. Older people are more likely to suffer from osteoarthritis.A cold and wet climate is the major cause of arthritisThe climate does not matter. It is neither the cause, nor the cure. Many think that arthritis is caused by a cold, wet climate. Hence, some advocate moving to a warm, dry climate for relief. But, arthritis can occur to people living in any climate. However, warmth is indeed soothing. Warmth also relieves symptoms of arthritis most of the time, as does soaking in a hot tub or taking a hot shower. And people who are already arthritis patients might experience winter as more painful.Arthritis is curableUnfortunately, there has been no scientific evidence that a cure for arthritis exists. There is no known cure for arthritis till date. Many better treatment options have been discovered to slow down the disease progression, but nothing to completely cure the disease. There’s no denying the fact that arthritis is a lifelong process, no matter how harsh it sounds.A poor diet is a major cause of arthritisThere is no scientific evidence for this theory. There are no specific foods which have been marked as to prevent or cause arthritis. However, body weight plays a big role in patients with arthritis. Hence, a nutritious, well balanced diet and ideal weight is always suggested to everyone. Sometimes, a particular food allergy may cause joint flare, however, there is no proven direct link between a particular food source and arthritis.Arthritis is only minor aches and painsArthritis is much, much more than just minor aches and pains. Do not be misled by TV commercials. Aspirins and/or over the counter pain relievers cannot take away the aches and pains caused by arthritis. Many changes occur in an arthritis patient’s body, these include joint pain, limited range of motion, deformities, inflammation, chronic pain, chronic fatigue etc.There is no variation in the duration and/or severity of the symptomsSince arthritis is a disease characterized by periods of flares and remissions, hence, arthritis patients may feel good on a particular day and may suffer complete immobility on the other. Simply put in laymen’s terms, arthritis is a mix of good days (less painful) and bad days (most painful). A balance between rest and activity is necessary when living with arthritis.Arthritis causes complete immobilityArthritis does impose some limitations on an individual, however, the disease does not interfere with all physical ability. A certain amount of help is likely to be required but arthritis does not make one handicapped. Arthritis can be overcome even though it cannot be cured. On good days or days when the inflammation is less, arthritis patients can do all sorts of regular activities. These activities include walking around, going to work etc.Arthritis isn’t really a serious health problemVarious types of arthritis and rheumatic diseases affect about one out of every three adult Americans and over 250,000 children. These conditions are more common among older people. Besides the statistics, we all know that arthritis cannot be cured completely. If you have it, you must live with it. Hence, you must make some lifestyle changes in order to stay well. Improper lifestyle can bring about further complications in arthritis patients.Any kind of chronic joint pain is arthritisOther conditions can cause joint pain, such as soft tissue injuries like tendonitis, bursitis etc. An expert evaluation is required in joint disease to ensure the right diagnosis and treatment. All joint pain is definitely not arthritis.Arthritis is only one diseaseWrong! There are more than 100 different types of arthritis. In general terms, arthritis means the inflammation of one or more joints, which causes pain, stiffness, swelling and immobility. The most common forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia.Arthritis is not gender biasedYes it is. Sorry ladies, but you’re more prone to arthritis. Statistically, most people suffer from osteoarthritis and men are less prone to arthritis because of denser bone structure.

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