Muscle cramps and their various aspects

Muscle Cramp

When one or more of your muscles cramp suddenly or involuntarily, it is termed as a spasm in muscles. The muscle cramps can be a source of excruciating pains, as you might have experienced when you have awoke suddenly in the night with twisting in your muscles. Though the muscle cramps are harmless, they may cause a temporary effect which can make the muscle movement or use impossible at that time. Muscle cramps are often caused by long periods of physical labor or exercises. If the work is done in hot weather, the proneness to the cramps increases. Some medical conditions and medication also lead to muscle cramps.

Causes of Muscle Cramps

the causes of spam can be many. A spam may be caused by the overuse of certain muscles, muscle strain, dehydration or even holding a position for a prolonged interval of time. Fatigue and dehydration in athletes by participating in sports activities in warm weather often lead to muscle spams. During sleep, the nocturnal cramps occur in the body’s calf muscles. But many times the exact cause of the spam is unknown. There are also certain medical conditions which are behind the occurrence of spam.

1. Nerve compression

The compression of nerves in spines (lumbar stenosis) can cause cramp-like pain in the legs. Your walking increases the pain. You can improve the symptoms by walking in a flexed position.

2. Inadequacy in nerve supply

While exercising the arteries of the narrow down (arteriosclerosis of the extremities), which can cause muscle cramp. This pain recedes as soon as you stop exercising.

3. Mineral deficiency

Low intake of calcium, potassium, and magnesium in the diet also causes cramps, especially in the legs. The diuretic medications which are prescribed for high blood pressure also contribute to spams.

Other diseases which contribute to the occurring of cramps are thyroid and hormone disorders, anemia, diabetes, hypoglycemia, nerve and kidney disorders, etc.

Signs and Symptoms of Muscle Cramps

A sudden or sharp muscle spam caused by contraction, often experienced in legs or a lump of muscle tissue which is either visible or evident within the skin can be a symptom of a muscle cramp. You should consult the doctor, if the cramps are causing severe discomfort, happen again and again, do not improve by providing self-care, or are not associated with a relevant cause, like strenuous exercise.

Preparing for the Appointment

If the muscle cramps do not heal with self-care or occur frequently and have high severity, then you must consult a doctor. You should detail the doctor of all the allergies and other medical conditional aspects of your health and also provide the details of vitamins, supplements and medications you are currently using. For getting an ideal treatment, you must consider these points before meeting the doctor:

1. The first time your had cramps.

2. The frequency or severity of the cramps.

3. The processes which typically precede the cramps, like exercise or labor.

4. Having cramps during resting or sleeping.

5. The cramps are reduced by stretching or not.

6. All other symptoms like muscle weakness, pain, the sensation in foot, limb or hand.

7. Genetic relation to cramps (other members in the family having cramps)

8. Changes in urine composition or texture after exercise.

9. Whether any sports enhancement or recreational drug is used.

Types of Treatment

The muscle cramps can be treated by self-care medications. You can also receive the tutorials on conducting stretching exercises which will contribute to the lessening of cramps. You should always be well hydrated for avoiding spams. The doctor can also prescribe you medications for relaxing of muscles which will reduce the occurring of recurrent cramps while sleeping. For managing cramps, vitamin B complex supplements are useful. You must consult your doctor before taking a new dietary supplement. The doctor will give you the guidelines for administration of the supplements as well as the potential interactions it might cause.

Treatment by Home Remedies

There are also home remedies for getting instant relief when a muscle spam occurs.

1. Messaging and stretching

You should gently stretch the cramped muscle and then rub it for relaxation. If a cramp occurs in the calf muscles, you should put your weight on the cramped leg while bending the knee slightly. If you are unable to gain posture of a standing position, then you should try to pull the top of your foot of the affected side towards the head while keeping your leg in straight position. A hamstring cramp could also be eased by this activity. If a front thigh or quadriceps cramp occurs, you should use a chair for standing yourself while pulling the affected foot towards the buttock.

2. Application of cold or heat

You can use a cold pack to relax the tense muscles and can alternatively apply a heating pad or a warm towel, if you feel tenderness or pain. You can also take hot bath or submerge the portion affected with cramp in warm water, especially legs.

Preventing of Cramps

You can prevent cramps by undertaking some simple measures.

1. Always be hydrated

You must drink lots of water and fluids each and every day. The amount of water required may vary with your age, sex, level of activity and current health condition, and also on any medications you are taking currently. An adult male requires at least 6 liters of water each day. The fluids help the muscle to contract and relax, keeps them hydrated and less prone to irritation. Regular intervals must be maintained while drinking water and other fluids.

2. Stretching of muscles

Regular exercises, walking and jogging prevent occurrence of spams and cramps. You should stretch the muscle before and after its use. Do some stretching exercises before sleeping, if you have cramps during sleep. For instance, you can ride a stationery bicycle before sleeping.

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