Mental Health Guide

What are the chances of Autism due to vaccines?

My wife is pregnant right now and I am very much worried about Autism. It is a development disorder that appears in the first 3 years of life. Yesterday when I was reading a baby care magazine it was written over there that some vaccines are also responsi

What are health panic anxiety disorders symptoms and treatment?

I am quite confused about the anxiety, will someone tell me if they have had panic anxiety disorders. I am feeling dizzy and all the time suffering from headaches feeling I am going to die when I am alone and wake up every day thinking of my illness. I am

What is the best treatment for alcoholism?

I had done almost all the thing but till date, I am unable to come out from the grip of alcoholism. In starting, doctor used the medicines like lorazepam, diazepam, and pentobarbital for my alcoholism. My doctor also treated me with IV fluids and carbohyd

What more I need to do to escape the grips of alcoholism?

I had done almost all the thing, but still I am unable to come out from the grip of alcoholism. Initially the doctor used medicines like lorazepam, diazepam, and pentobarbital for my alcoholism problem. My doctor also treated me with IV fluids and carbohy

Is consuming pristiq 50 mg a good option for a depressive person?

I’m suffering with depression for last few weeks and unable to have proper sleep. The doctor recommended pristiq 50 mg to me. Now, I’m having the medicine but few problems have risen. Sometimes, I feel more worried, my heart beats fast. Sometimes hot

Can lesser amount of sleep lead to mental health disorder?

These days a new kind of worry has surrounded me. Sometimes I get the feeling of mental health disorder and before that let me say that of late I have been deprived of sleep. There are some other reasons as well for such feeling. I have also been addicted

Can anyone provide some info about mental health and disorders?

I have been wondering from quite a few days that whether children show mental health disorder or grown ups? Sometimes it gets confusing as which age group is more prone to it! It is said that old age is another childhood and in so many cases you would fin

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