Mental Health Guide

What are the causes for muscle tension?

I am only 19 year old and still I am experiencing muscles tension. My back and shoulder easily become sore. So please help me. I want to know some of its causes and I really want to get rid of it. Any suggestion?

Effect of alcoholism on children

From consuming alcohol, in a social setting with an intention to celebrate, to buying someone a drink as a gesture of goodwill, drinking is woven into the fabric of many societies around the world. But when someone’s drinking habit crosses the line from m

ADHD in Women

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and the closely related Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) are developmental disorders characterized by inability to pay attention, remain focused or concentrate on tasks requiring sustained attention. Typi

What exactly is depression?

As today we are living in 21st century so in this fast working generation I think everyone is experiences depression in their lives. But I want to know that what depression is in exactly? Do depression suffers just constantly feel upset? Is there any type

What is the solution for weak memory problems?

I am 42 years old and I am here to discuss my problem with you on this platform. Since last year I am bound to forget things quite often. I can not remember things that I often used to remember. I want to know from you what is the effective solution for w

How to control panic attacks?

When yesterday I went to my college annual fest then I had a panic attack right before they called my name. My hands went completely numb because my heart was beating so fast. This does not happen very often. So I want to know that how can I help myself f

Cerebral Palsy: Causes and symptoms

Cerebral palsy is a disorder which severely impacts nerve motor functions affecting movements of body parts, balance, posture, learning, hearing, seeing, and thinking. It is caused by physical injury or aberrant growth of the corners of the brain controll

Is there any treatment for depression?

I have seldom experienced that I suffer from long periods of being low, when it is very difficult for me to socialize with my friends and I lock myself up in my room and just go on brooding about the past pains that are like scars that keep on burning wit

What is the treatment for epilepsy?

I am here for my cousin. She is 18 years old and she is suffering from seizures. We had gone for her MRI scan which showed that her occipital lobe is affected. She suffers from hallucinations and episodes of unconsciousness. Sometimes her arms and legs g

What is budeprion’s mechanism of action?

I am here for my cousin. She is 18 years old and showing signs of depression after she failed to qualify in her entrance exam. She is not eating much lately and not taking interest in anything. We took her to the doctor yesterday who prescribed her budepr

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