Menopause Causes

Menopause: Causes

Top Causes

1. Fatigue

Stress can lead to low energy levels, tiredness and fatigue accompanied by other complications. This is due to the fact that hormone changes and body chemistry are all causing havoc in the body, leading to increased fatigue coupled with other factors such as work stress, family or social groups. Fatigue needs to be overcome during menopause by proper sleep, exercise and a healthy lifestyle in the best possible way.

2. Weight gain during menopause

Research and medical findings point out that due to redistribution of fat in the body during hormonal changes, there is body weight gain for most women during menopause. Menopausal weight gain occurs when the body fat cells begin to convert calories into fats and causes weight gain particularly around the waist area.

3. Dizziness

Feeling lightheaded, dizzy, black outs and inability to maintain balance are all symptoms of menopause for women in their 40s. Dizziness can happen at any time of the day, lasting for a few seconds and can impede the normal functioning of the person. When estrogen levels drop, there are changes produced in the nervous system and blood vessels which brings about these dizzy bouts. However, you must consult doctor as it could also be related to other illnesses.

4. Hair loss

Many women in their 40s begin to experience, hair loss, hair thinning and dryness of the scalp which are all part of the menopause symptoms. This is due to low thyroid function during menopause, increased testosterone, change in hormone levels and increased stress. Hair loss during menopause can be permanent for some women but you can always consult with your doctor in order to treat this problem.

5. Vaginal dryness

Drop in estrogen leads to vaginal tissue dryness, itching and irritations which makes a woman vulnerable to infections. Dry vagina also makes sex very difficult and painful for women in their perimenopause. This condition is referred to as atrophy where the vaginal tissues become thinner, dryer and less elastic. About 40 to 60 percent of women experience vaginal dryness during this transitional phase.

6. Mood swings

This symptom is similar to the mood swings and emotional sensitivity during premenstrual syndrome but is more intense. If the mood swings are very severe then a woman need to consult a doctor as this can impede her normal life activities and relationships. These mood swings can vary from aggression, anger, depression, lack of motivation, sadness, anxiety and impatience. This is triggered when the serotonin, a mood regulating neurotransmitter is effected by the decrease in the estrogen level, although other causes of menopause also impacts and aggravate mood swings.

7. Irregular periods

Decrease in estrogen level leads to irregular periods such as heavy bleeding, frequent periods and periods of scanty bleeding which are indications of menopause. Sometimes, the bleeding may go on for days beyond the normal period cycle. Women in their 40s begin to experience this irregular pattern in their menstrual cycle.

8. Night sweat

This is more intense than hot flushes and is a continuation which occurs during sleep when a woman sweats profusely due to perspiration disorder. It is also referred to as nocturnal hyberhidrosis, in which the hypothalamus in the brain is affected by the decreased estrogen level, thereby prompting a series of physiological reactions. The hypothalamus regulates the body temperature but decreased estrogen can trigger night sweats. Anxiety, stress, diet and excessively soft bedding can also intensify the symptom.

9. Hot flushes

80 percent of women universally experience this most visible sign during perimenopause. This is caused due to the decreased level of estrogen hormone supply and leads to a sensation of heat spread in the upper body and on the face which shows up as hot red flushes. This is like a swift power surge which works upwards from your chest towards your head, lasting for a few seconds or more, and may be accompanied by sweating. If you suffer from these hot flushes then try to avoid eating hot and spicy food or being out in hot weather as these can aggravate the symptoms.

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