Home remedies for sore throat

Sore throat is pretty much common these days. With the changing weather and increase in pathogens in the environment, the problem gets more prevalent among the people. Besides easily contactable, the condition is very painful too. Most of the sore throat problems resolve easily within a day or two, but still there are some home remedies for sore throat, which when followed with the necessary steps will surely cure sore throat and ease the pain in the throat.

Home remedies for sore throat

1. Licorice root

This root has been used to cure sore throat for a long period of time. According to the NCCAM center, licorice root is mainly used for its non-provocative properties and also to cure allergies, stomach ulcer, viral infections and canker sores. Experiments have been made with patients who were allowed to gargle diluted licorice root solution, before giving them general anesthesia. It was found that patients who followed the gargle process had less symptoms of sore throat after surgery process and had only less cough symptoms when compared to other patients.

Licorice root is used in herbal teas to cure sore throat. One such herbal tea is called as Throat Coat that is produced by Traditional Medicinals and has a sweet taste when consumed. Even though it is said to be good for sore throats, it must never be used in more quantities since it might even lead to high blood pressure, low levels of potassium, retention of salt and water and also might affect hormone cortisol levels. It must never be mixed with corticosteroids, diuretics or other such medications, which tend to bring down the level of potassium in the human body. Pregnant women and people with heart diseases should avoid using licorice root.

2. Slippery Elm

Slippery Elm is said to be a great home remedy for sore throat since 1960, wherein it was listed in the abstract of drug standards of the United States. Slippery Elm is said to be a family member of Elm trees. The slippery elm tree is said to grow more in the eastern part of North America. The inner bark of this tree that consists of mucilage, is used to cure sore throats. Mucilage is nothing but a gel like material which expands when water is mixed with it and it is said to diminish irritation present in the throat and also ease sore throat.

Slippery Elm is available as capsules these days and can also be found in herbal teas that are made especially for sore throat problems such as the Yogi teas.

3. Marshmallow root

This root is a herb which is said to be grown in North Europe and is also been used to cure sore throats for a long time like the licorice root. It also contains mucilage such as the Slippery elm, and soothes the mucus membranes present in the throat.

Marshmallow root tea is generally recommended by the herbalists to cure sore throats and they suggest to drink three cups of this tea a day to get relieved from sore throat. You have to add one teaspoon of this dried root to one cup of boiling water and keep it covered for some 30-90 minutes in total, after which you can strain it and then have the tea.

But still, you have to consult a physician, if you have diabetes before taking this tea since it might reduce your blood sugar level, particularly when you take diabetic medicines along with them. Pregnant women should never intake it.

4. Honeysuckle flower

This herb is one of the most frequently used home remedies to cure sore throat in Chinese medicine. But these flowers cannot be found easily. You can afford to buy it only in some Chinese herbal stores and health food stores. You have to add one cup of honeysuckle flowers to one quart of boiling water and then steep it for 10 minutes, after which you can strain it and consume the tea. Four cups of this tea is said to cure sore throat very quick.

5. Lemon, apple cider vinegar, cayenne, and honey tea

A mixture of honey, cayenne, lemon and apple cider vinegar is said to be an ancient remedy. You have to add a pinch of cayenne pepper, apple cider vinegar one teaspoon, boiling water with lemon juice, honey one teaspoon and then stir it and have it. Four cups of this tea are suggested to be consumed a day wherein honey is added mainly to soothe coughs.

6. Sage

A spray made out of the herb sage is found to be helping in reducing sore throat. The spray was said to be more effective in some patients who had received placebo treatment. More relief could be found in the first 2 hours after using the spray but still there were some minor side effects such as burning sensation felt mildly and dryness of throat.

Other home remedies for sore throat

You can also use other home remedies to cure sore throat.

  1. You can gargle and rinse the mouth with usage of salt water. You have to do it more times in a day. To do this, you have to add one teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water.
  2. Always have a habit of drinking of more fluids to keep your throat lubricated. You can drink warm water with honey or some cold drinks like Popsicle. It all depends on your wish.
  3. You have to get rid of dry air, which often results in sore throat by using cold air humidifier.
  4. You can also make use of throat lozenges to help enhance production of saliva in the mouth and therefore enable lubricating your throat often. But bear in mind that these lozenges should never be used by children since they might suffer from choking.

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