Home remedies for acne scar

When the sebaceous glands in the skin become infected, it results in acne. Acne mainly affects pre-teens and teens. However, it can be seen on adults and children as well. People who suffer from acne vulgaris, as it is scientifically known, consider it awkward to have such blemishes on their face and this in turn brings down their level of self confidence. Acne usually occurs as a result of poor food habits. It is best advised to treat acne at home to experience fruitful results. You can try one of the home remedies given below and see the result yourself.

1. Cinnamon

Cinnamon has the ability to neutralize the pH of your skin. So, you can make a paste of cinnamon powder and honey by mixing it well and then apply it on the acne (preferably using a cotton swab) every night before you go to bed. You can wash it off in the morning with cold water. This effectively prevents oil or dirt from settling on your skin. You will see the effect within two weeks of time.

2. Egg white

Egg white is a recommended ingredient used to overcome the effect of acne. Take some white part of the egg and apply it on your face (or wherever the acne is) and leave it for one or two hours of time. It is better to leave it overnight. This simple treatment not only dries the acne and in turn clears it off, but also makes the skin soft and smooth.

3. Aloe vera

Aloe vera is one that has so much medicinal value. Apply the leaf extract or you also get aloe vera gels in the market.

4. Turmeric

Turmeric, which is native to South Asia and quite common an ingredient in Indian dishes, is an effective anti-microbial and an anti-oxidant. You can apply a mixture of turmeric powder and mint juice or of turmeric powder and neem leaves on the acne and let it dry before washing it off with moderately warm water.

5. Sandalwood

Sandalwood is an antiseptic that is used for the treatment various skin conditions. You can mix a teaspoon of sandalwood powder and a teaspoon of turmeric powder, make these a paste with milk and apply it on the acne-affected areas. Let it dry. Wash it off with cold water to experience its soothing effect.

Quick tips

All of the above treatments would work out well only if you follow proper living habits. This could mean eating healthy diet or to restrain from alcohol or too much caffeine content. Stay away from junk foods and other processed food items.

Eat a lot of veggies, fruits and nuts. Drink as much as water you can-it should be a minimum of two liters a day.

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