Health mythbuster: Diabetes complications cannot be prevented

Diabetes has become a common disease that is prevalent around the world, so are the myths surrounding this disease. In order to combat and keep it in check, it is imperative to get educated about diabetes, and know all the facts and myths that can keep us misinformed about the cause and effect of this disease. The most common myth about diabetes among most people is that its complications cannot be prevented. Among other myths, a lot of people believe that if they are diabetic, they should completely stay off anything sweet. Also, many believe that only obese people are prone to diabetes.

The origin

These myths surrounding diabetes are not accurate, and they are filled with stereotypes. Diabetes was diagnosed for the first time around 2000 years ago, but it was only in the 17th century that a London based physician Dr. Thomas Williams, who determined the sugar level in the urine of patients to determine blood sugar level. Since then, people started to find the connection between sugar levels in the urine to that with diabetes. This has led to a major aversion to sugar by most people who wrongly believe that diabetic patients should completely avoid sugar in order to control diabetes.

The reaction

The reaction of people to the fact that diabetes is related to the sugar level in our body has led to a lot of myths surrounding diabetes. So, diabetic people have completely started avoiding anything that is sweet. And, a lot of companies have been producing artificial calorie-free sweeteners to cash in on the myths that sugar is absolutely dangerous to diabetic people. In fear of the belief that diabetes complications cannot be prevented, including some of the serious complications that affect pancreas and kidneys, a lot of people either completely avoid eating a lot of necessary carbohydrates, proteins and minerals or they eat everything believing that diabetic complications cannot be prevented.

The facts

Studies have shown that complications developed due to diabetes, especially type 2 can be delayed, prevented, and prolonged by following a strict health and diet plan, which will keep the body glucose level in check, and under control, followed by regular medical checkups to keep track of it.

It is true that people suffering from diabetes should keep away from sweets as much as they can, but, a piece of chocolate or a few pieces of cookies will not kill you or cause a serious crisis, if you take sweets in moderation. In fact, people with diabetes type 2 can have sweets in moderation, along with a balanced healthy meal and exercise, as suggested by the American Diabetes Association.

This might come as a shock to all who stubbornly hold onto this fact that if they follow a healthy diet plan and exercise; they would never have high level blood sugar readings. One can have high level of blood sugar level readings even if they are currently following their doctor’s prescribed orders. Type 2 diabetes isn’t as easy as it may seem to manage. As we age, the dynamics of our body change, and react to our stress level, environment, illness, medications, infections, diet, and exercise etc. All these factors affect the blood sugar level in our body.

What do the experts say?

Experts suggest that avoiding sweets is not necessary, but limiting their intake is necessary. Sweets often contain low level of calories but a lot of sugar, a type of carbohydrate that raises glucose levels. So, for a better control of glucose, one, including those suffering from diabetes must take sweets and deserts only after a low-carb food.

A lot of people, suffering from type 2 diabetes also suffer from high level of cholesterol and hyper blood pressure. If one keeps these two conditions under control, both can help in preventing or prolonging the disease from contacting, which also affects nerve damage and kidney failure in the long run.

As for the special diet plans, there are no special diet plans that will benefit a patient suffering from diabetes, instead a healthy balanced meal with less sugar, fat, salt, and calories is all one needs to keep the diabetes in check.

It is recommended to follow all the diet plans and exercise regime that your doctor prescribes you to combat diabetes, but it is equally important to get regular readings of your sugar level in order to keep a check on it, so that in case of high reading, one can try to investigate and find out the reasons leading to high sugar level, which are affected by a number of reasons.

Quick tips

There are a few important things that a diabetic person can, and should follow. They should also have small balanced meals that are not too high on carbohydrates and calories. If they wish to eat sweets, they should do after a low calorie meal. Avoiding sweet is not needed, but limiting its intake is. Foods that are rich in fibers, lean proteins, and low in carbohydrates should be preferred over foods with high fat, salt and calories. Consider eating multiple smaller meals than a heavy meal at one time. If one moves around away from home, he/she should always remember to carry small meals with them so to not give prolonged gaps between two meals. And lastly, one should always do a regular blood sugar check and do plenty of physical movement including exercise.

It is very important to know the cause, effect, and myths around diabetes in order to understand, how to not only prevent diabetes, but to keep it at bay, and prolong its complications. As they say, ‘prevention is better than cure’.

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