Foods that cause acne

The deficiency of significant nutrition contributes to acne development. A diet rich in animal products, dairy products, saturated fats and hydrogenated fats can trigger acne. The best way to alleviate acne symptoms is by avoiding foods that can damage both health and skin.

Dairy Products

Dairy products are the worst foods that trigger acne. The milk that comes from cows that are pregnant contains hormones. The glands in the skin have enzymes that convert these hormones into dihydrotestosterone(commonly abbreviated to DHT) hormones. These DHT hormones stimulate the production of sebum, which leads to acne. There is also a theory that, the human digestive system does not break down milk from animals properly. The body’s immune system treats the undigested molecules as foreign elements and bristles up to form skin eruptions like acne. The other factor in milk that causes acne is the high IGF-1 levels. IGF-1 is a growth factor that peaks during adolescence when acne is at its worst. This could be the reason why skimmed milk affects skin, as proteins are added to give it a creamier consistency.

Seafood and Spinach

Seafood such as lobsters, crabs, oysters, shrimps and spinach contain iodine. Studies from far back as the 60’s show that iodine is directly linked to trigger acne. Certainly, this does not mean that anyone suffering with acne, should stop eating seafood. The digestion process and hormonal changes differ from person to person. So a conscious effort must be made to observe, when the breakout is more, or what food could have caused it, individually.

Refined Sugar

Those who have skin problems like acne should avoid foods that have a high glycemic index. Foods that are high in sugar increase insulin levels, which in turn increases the level of acne causing testosterone hormones. Foods high in sugar are white bread, white potatoes, candies ice cream, pastries and soda. Include fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin A and beta carotene. The fibre and vitamins keep digestion complete and improves the health of the skin. If you are planning for any solid, multi vitamin supplements, get it prescribed from the health provider, as the dosage depends on age, gender and activity levels.

Red Meat

Animal protein is more difficult to digest as compared to proteins in vegetarian foods. Waste products left in the body may be released through the skin in the form of acne. Moreover there are also hormones present in meats, that raise the hormone level. Acne is caused mainly because of high hormone levels.


Egg is the most common food known to cause allergies. The common cause for acne breakout is also due to food allergies. If your body is allergic to a specific food, allergic reactions take place that releases a lot of toxins. These toxins cause inflammation in the skin that clogs pores and cause acne. However, it has been found that it is the egg yolk that causes allergic reactions, so if you love eggs, stick to egg whites.

Fatty Foods

Eating too much fat is probably the biggest reason for acne. Fatty foods cause a swing in blood sugar. Blood sugar goes too high and then drops too low. This affects the hormone levels, that lead to increased sebum production and blocked pores. Acne is the result of this biological process. Fat also slows down the oxygen and nutrient being carried down to the cells. This can also aggravate acne. Fatty foods are often too salty, and the iodine content in salt could also trigger pimples.

Processed Foods

Toxins present in the system can cause acne. Processed foods like cookies, chips, cold cuts or microwave dinners, contain many preservatives and additives, that cause toxins in the blood. It would be wise to include organic food that are wholesome and nourishing. Fresh, organic foods are free from any chemical preservative or additive that produce toxins. They contain many natural nutrients like vitamins and minerals that are great for a healthy skin.


Chocolates are undoubtedly responsible for acne breakouts, in a number of people. It need not be cut off completely, but eaten sparingly. Water is a great restorer of skin and flushes out toxic build ups from the system. Drinking plenty of water, at least eight liters per day is very essential.

Wheat grains

For some people, wheat causes allergic reactions. Many parasites and bacteria feed on the grains which cause acne and skin inflammation. They are also quickly converted into sugars when consumed, raising insulin levels. Increase in insulin levels affect hormones and cause acne. These are still no conclusions drawn by medical research, but factors linked with the disease.

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