Fight psoriatic arthritis with natural remedies

Psoriatic arthritis: Natural remedies

Psoriatic arthritis causes inflammation, pain and stiffness in the joints. It is associated with psoriasis, a form of skin disorder. The symptoms of arthritis might develop several months or even several years after the appearance of the first signs of psoriasis.The joint pain in psoriatic arthritis patients is treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID). Workouts help to improve the mobility of the affected joints. Severe psoriatic arthritis might require anti-malarial medications, sulfa-based drugs, corticosteroids and other disease-modifying medications. Prolonged use of these medications might damage the liver and retina, suppress the normal functions of the bone marrow and increase the risk of infections. To avoid the side effects of conventional psoriatic arthritis treatment, patients often search for reliable natural remedies. Most of these natural remedies, borrowed from folklore, might complement conventional therapies. In some cases, they might even be used as safer alternatives to these medications.

1. Fish oil

Omega 3 fats are essential polyunsaturated fatty acids that occur naturally in fish oil. They function as natural anti-inflammatory agents that can suppress the activities of pro-inflammatory proteins that trigger inflammation. Adding cold-water fish, such as cod, salmon, mackerel, halibut, tuna and herring to your daily diet might elevate the omega-3 fatty acids reserve in your body. However, your therapeutic needs might not be met through diet alone. Regular intake of fish oil pill is recommended as an effective solution for reducing the inflammation in the joints affected by psoriatic arthritis. Fish oil is well tolerated. It is free from side effects. In addition, by preventing low grade inflammation and normalizing the serum lipid levels, it could reduce the risk of cardiovascular ailments. While selecting your fish oil supplement, choose a pill that contains 2 grams EPA/DHA. The arthritis related symptoms might be alleviated by taking the fish oil supplement thrice each day.

2. Flaxseed

For psoriatic arthritis patients who dislike the fishy burp, flaxseed oil could supply the anti inflammatory omega 3 fats. Omega-3 fatty acid is present in flaxseeds in the form of alpha linolenic acid (ALA), which is converted to DHA and EPA in the human body. Regular intake of flaxseeds helps to reduce joint stiffness and pain. Add 30 gram of whole flaxseeds to your daily diet or consume one to three tablespoons of flaxseed oil daily to get rid of the bothersome joint pain and inflammation.

3. Ginger

This common culinary spice might benefit people suffering from psoriatic arthritis. Ginger possesses anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that can naturally reduce inflammation and pain in the affected joints. The active compounds present in ginger could inhibit the activities of pro-inflammatory chemicals, thereby reducing inflammation naturally. Psoriatic arthritis patients should consume three grams of ginger each day. You can take ginger supplements or drink three to four cups of ginger tea daily. However, ginger supplements are not recommended for people on blood thinning medications.

4. Turmeric

The spice that gives the curry its yellow color is also blessed with powerful anti inflammatory property. In the traditional Indian medicine system, turmeric is recommended for healing all types of inflammatory conditions. Curcumin, the active ingredient, in the spice reduces inflammation, pain and stiffness in the joints affected by psoriatic arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis patients might take up to 3 grams of turmeric each day. Dietary supplements containing 400 to 600mg of curcuma longa extract could be consumed daily to attenuate joint inflammation.

5. Gamma linolenic acid supplement

Gamma linolenic acid could impair the activities of inflammatory chemicals in the swollen joints of the psoriatic arthritis patients. Borage oil, evening primrose oil and black currant oil are rich sources of this omega 6 fat. You can improve joint mobility by consuming up to three grams of gamma linolenic acid supplement daily.

6. Vitamin D

Psoriatic arthritis patients should spend at least twenty minutes each day basking in the sun. Exposure to sunlight triggers vitamin D synthesis. Studies suggest that psoriatic arthritis patients suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Although the exact association between vitamin D level and psoriatic arthritis is unclear, studies suggest that boosting serum vitamin D level helps to alleviate the symptoms of arthritis. In the absence of sufficient sun exposure, you can take vitamin D supplements to replenish the vitamin D reserve of your body.

7. Vitamin K

Packing your meals with leafy green vegetables might reduce the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis by raising the vitamin K reserve of your body. This micronutrient is needed for maintaining the health of the joints. Arthritis patients have a higher risk of experiencing vitamin K deficiency.

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