Individuals workout for getting a fitter body as also for improving the strength of the muscles in their body. Training the body using dumbbells and barbells helps in increasing the strength of the muscles and also in achieving total fitness of the body of the individual. Strength has many forms, feel many exercise trainers around the world. Many individuals are good at lifting heavy weights easily, while some others are good at doing things using the resistance power of their body. A third category of people are simply fast and agile. Speed, power, muscular endurance and size are the most important words to be taken into consideration by individuals who want to work out for pure strength at their homes.
The barbell Olympic power clean
The word Olympic has been included in the name because the exercise is quite similar to the feats that sportsmen have to do at the Olympic game. Hence, the name is given. The barbell Olympic power clean is a kind of lift which is tremendously effective in the development of complete bodily functioning powers. These functional powers include speed and quickness. The term clean refers to the fact that an individual has to raise the barbell from the floor to his chest in one clean motion, hence the name. For doing this motion, an individual must engage in a drill and generate enough force so as to lift the barbell in a vertical lift to a decent height. This will help in getting the body of the individual under the bar and make a rack position. There are various ways of doing this particular exercise. A hang clean version is also done by many individuals. In this position, the same motion is done with the barbell hanging at the waist of the individual. Another procedure of doing the same exercise is by adding an extra movement and thereby makes the lift more complex. One can do a jerk and press after the clean and the rack.
The standard barbell dead lift
The standard barbell dead lift is extremely helpful in building a serious foundation to the body strength of an individual and also helps in increasing the size of the muscles. This lift has a number of benefits for the body of an individual. This exercise helps in building a strong back of an individual and also helps in making the body capable enough to move any heavy weight under any situation. An individual may be an athlete wanting to put on some size or he may be a fitness junkie wanting to increase the lean muscle mass in his body. The barbell dead lift is ideal for these two kinds of people. By practicing this lift, you can strengthen the hip, make your back strong, make the core center powerful and also have total control over the functioning ability of your body. The exercise is done by lifting the barbell from the floor vertically and driving the hip and the knees to full extension without rounding your back. The arms of the individual must be kept straight. The individual must learn to give tension to the core center which will help in supporting the spine and midsection throughout the course of the exercise. This is an extreme strength building exercise.
Single leg squat using dumbbells
For doing this particular exercise, you need two dumbbells. An individual should use one dumbbell in each hand and stand with his/her knees slightly bent and the feet should be shoulder width apart. The individual should next raise the right leg so that the knee of the individual is bent at a ninety degrees angle. The next step involves lowering the leg and making it parallel to the ground behind the individual. The individual should next lower the body until the left thigh is parallel with the ground. Give a pause for a few seconds. Then the individual should push his body to the initial position. The moves should be finished off and then should be repeated on the other leg. Two sets of this exercise should be done on each leg. Thirty seconds should be the resting time before you start the exercise again on the other leg.
Single arm dumbbell clean
For doing this particular exercise with dumbbells, an individual should first squat over a pair of dumbbells. Next he should grab them with an overhand grip. The next step involves standing and lifting the body weights up to the level of your chest. The individual should quickly drop under the weights and catch the weights on their shoulders with the elbows kept high. The individual should next lower the elbows and try to keep the dumbbells at shoulder length. The dumbbell in your left hand should be kept straight up. Give a pause of thirty seconds and then lower the dumbbell. The exercise should be repeated again, pressing the weight on the right hand only.
Clock lunge
The individual should stand with the feet wide apart and hold the dumbbells at his side. The individual should step backward with the right leg at a six o’clock position. The right knee should be above the floor and the left thigh should be parallel to the floor and the knees over the toes. The individual should push back to the initial position and then repeat the process on the other leg keeping it at a three o’clock position. After repeating the process, try the exercise on the other leg in a twelve o’clock position. This should be repeated until both the legs have done all the three positions.
Push up position row
This is a very popular exercising position and using dumbbells in this position increases the effectiveness of the exercise. The individual should be in a pushup position with his hands on the dumb bells. The feet should be spread wide for balancing the body. The abs of the individual should be tightened as he pulls one dumbbell from the floor towards his chest. The elbow should reach behind his back. Give a pause for thirty seconds and then keep the dumb bell down and repeat the process on the other hand. Many individuals may feel awkward holding two dumbbells. In such cases, they can use one dumbbell and place one hand on the floor.
Golf squat with dumbbells
The individual for practicing golf squat should hold a single dumbbell with both hands and keep it at arm’s length in front of his body. The torso of the individual should be kept straight and the hips should be lowered in such a way so that the thighs of the individual are parallel to the floor. Pause for a second in this position. Then the person should stand up and rotate his upper body to the left side and lift the dumb bell toward the ceiling of the room. The arms should be kept straight as if the person is swinging a golf club. Next the individual should lower the weight as he will return to the starting position. The exercise should be repeated again and this time the individual should rotate to his right side.
Over extension kick back
The individual should take the dumbbell in his right hand and place the left hand and knee on a bench. The right foot should be placed flat on the floor and the body should be bent at the hip forward so that the torso is parallel to the floor. The right arm should be bent at a ninety degree angle so that your upper arm is parallel to the floor. The individual should straighten the arm behind while moving the upper arm. Next the individual should slowly rotate the palm up to the ceiling of the room so that the back of the hand of the person faces the body with the arms are straightened. The individual should give a pause of about thirty seconds and then go back to the initial position. For individuals who feel that twisting the weight at the top is awkward, should do this exercise without the twisting part in the workout.
Bent over row with back extension
For this exercise, the individual should stand with his knees in a flexible position. The dumbbells should be held at arm’s length by the thighs and the palms should face behind. The individual should next bend forward at the hips. This should be done until the torso is parallel to the floor. The weights should also hang directly below the shoulder. The dumbbells should next be pushed up until the elbows of the individual goes past his torso level. The arms should be kept in a stationary position as the individual will return to the standing position. The final step includes lowering the arms. The process should be repeated on the other arm and leg.