Deep vein thrombosis Research

Deep vein thrombosis: Research

Top Research

1. Medical device unveiled at Westmead Hospital to prevent DVT

Using electrical stimulation to improve blood circulation, doctors at Westmead Hospital have prepared a novel device known as the geko. Neuro-muscular stimulation is given to a specific nerve, known as the common peroneal nerve, passing electric signals. This instigates blood to circulate freely. This device was successfully tested at the New South Wales hospital and it is considered a significant innovation in the prevention of DVT or deep venous thrombosis. This device can be worn on the knees akin to a wristwatch. Clinical assessment of DVT was carried out with this device for over a period of six months with promising results.

Via:ย Medicalnet

2. Cirrhosis and DVT

A study that was published in the 2011 issue of the Thrombosis Journal showed that patients suffering from liver cirrhosis are more likely to develop deep venous thrombosis. A person who has liver failure with cirrhosis exhibits a decreased production of clotting factors. The anti-coagulation mechanism too is disrupted due to decreased function of the liver, which makes the individual more prone to DVT. Patients with hepatitis B and hepatitis C show more chances of ending up with cirrhosis of liver. Alcoholics too can suffer from liver cirrhosis, increasing their chances of developing deep venous thrombosis. Young children suffering from liver cirrhosis due to jaundice were very likely to get DVT due to decreased synthesis of anti-coagulation factors.

Via:ย Hepatitiscnewdrugs

3. New guidelines for improved diagnosis of DVT

Clinical researchers have come up with new guidelines for the treatment and diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis and other blood clotting disorders. The Co-director of Thrombosis Clinic, Scot M Sevens revealed that these new guidelines played a crucial role to ensure that proper diagnosis of DVT was reached at using the best available and advanced methods all over the world. The new guidelines are poised to become the standard protocol that will be used globally in the treatment of deep venous thrombosis. The guidelines are also published in the February issue of the Chest Magazine. The best and most reasonably priced methods to diagnose DVT were all listed in these new guidelines. Dr. Stevens is confident that it will help in the early prevention and complications of DVT using these guidelines.


4. Flight stockings considerably reduce risk of DVT

According to a research published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing, people wearing stockings during a flight journey were less prone to developing deep venous thrombosis. Knee-length graduated compression stockings were ideal for flight journeys that lasted for more than five to six hours. Sitting immobile for a long time during flights causes blood to stagnate and clot around the thigh muscles, this could lead to deep venous thrombosis. Compression stockings allow the blood to circulate, thereby reducing the risk of flight travelers getting DVT. This is because they are tight at the ankles and gradually loosen upwards applying slight pressure on the deep veins and allowing the blood flow to increase consequently. Researchers came to this conclusion after analyzing nine trials across UK and Italy over a period of two years. Two thousand five hundred fliers were observed of which just two wore stockings developed DVT as compared to forty-six travelers who had worn no compression stockings.

Via:ย Sciencedaily

5. Catheter directed thrombolysis

Clinicians and doctors have found that catheter-directed thrombolysis is a safe and effective treatment for deep venous thrombosis. It is minimally invasive and a catheter is used to dissolve abnormal clots in the deep veins of the legs allowing free circulation of blood. In this procedure, a radiograph image is used to direct the catheter that carries a special medication to dissolve the blood clots. The procedure is to be done with precision and is very effective in improving blood circulation. Fluoroscopy is used to convert the X-rays into video images that are displayed on a monitor. Watching these images, the clinician can guide the medicated catheter to the area of the blood clot and dissolve them using the medication. With minimum blood loss, this micro surgery is extremely safe and effective in treating blood clots such as deep venous thrombosis.

Via:ย Radiologyinfo

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