Most common beauty related questions women have

Over the years women have been trying various beauty products to attain that perfect look. In the process, the skin gets exposed to various chemicals that can lead to problems. Hormonal changes or allergies are other causes for skin problems. In order to hide the embarrassment many women try to cover up those personal beauty problems. But the queries still remain unanswered as to what went wrong. Let’s take a closer look at such problems and their solution.

1. Why do I have a unibrow?

Many women have excess hair on their upper lip, chin, and area between the eyebrows and it remains no secret. Many times it happens due to some medical condition like poly-cystic ovary syndrome. It can also be due to genetics. Use of depilatory cream, plucking or waxing can also help regulate the growth of such facial hair. Electrolysis and laser are for permanent removal.

2. Does anything banish cellulite?

Every woman wants to have an extremely toned and shapely figure. Unfortunately there is a type of fat called cellulite which can create the skin to get dimpled and wrinkled on the thighs, hips and buttocks. Exercising can help to lose that excess fat. There are also cellulite creams but doctors advise to avoid using them as those offer only short term solutions.

3. Why Do I Blush So Often?

Many people blush when they feel embarrassed or shy. But sometimes patches of redness appear on the chin, forehead or the cheek. In that case, it is due to rosacea. This type of chronic skin problem can be lessened by use of creams and pills. Also frequent blushing accompanied by a pounding heart can be considered as a great tendency of social anxiety disorder.

4. Am I not too young to go gray?

Many people even before reaching the graying age of 40, have most of their hair gone white, leading to premature graying. Most of these cases happen due to pigment or thyroid disorder. But in most cases, these happens due to genetics and you have your parents to thank for it. Fortunately, this premature graying does not lead to your body aging earlier than others.

5. Are those pimples on my bottom?

The red bumps which appear on the buttocks are not pimples. They are most likely to be called keratosis pilaris. This skin condition is harmless and they also at times appear on the thighs, upper arms, cheeks and on the back. This skin condition can appear for years but they generally start disappearing by the age 30. Till then, you can intensely moisturize them to reduce outbreaks.

6. How did I get stretch marks?

Many times as the skin gets stretched due to pregnancy, extreme weight loss or gain can create the stretch to be scarring. Stretch marks generally appear in purple or red and then start fading to a glossy white. They usually appear on the lower back, breasts, hips, thighs and on the belly. These marks can be lessened by using chemical peel or laser surgery.

7. Why do I have bad breath?

You follow the daily routine of brushing your teeth twice-a-day along with flossing daily, yet you have bad breath leaving a bad taste in your mouth. This can happen due to dry mouth, sinus infection, acid reflux or a gum disease. But most importantly, it is your diet to blame. Toothpaste is of little help in these cases. Try to avoid these foods.

8. Is there a fix for razor bumps?

Razor bumps start appearing as the stubble curls back by itself growing into the skin. The best method of treating and preventing these bumps is by stopping shaving. Laser treatments and the hair removal creams are the other possible alternatives. If you don’t want to stop shaving then it’s better for you to firstly take a hot shower and then start applying the shaving gel.

9. What’s making my teeth dark?

If you are a frequent drinker of red wine, dark sodas, coffee or tea, then they are the cause of your teeth darkening. Smoking along with a few medications also lead to teeth discoloration. If you want to have whiter teeth, you must floss and brush regularly and intricately remove all those substances that stain your teeth. Teeth whitening solutions such as bleaching agents and gels can also be of help.

10. How can I soften callused feet?

Calluses frequently appear on the balls and heels of the feet. The dead skin along with the thick layers present there helps in protecting your feet from the pressure applied due to walking. Still, the heels tend to get yellowish and rough. For solution, soak your feet in a tub containing hot water and scrub them with a pumice stone for removing the dead skin.

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