50 Cent AKA Curtis Jackson is a world renowned musician singer who carries really chiseled physique. Guys look him and wish they could have same physique. He follows similar workout routines including nutrion or diet, periodization, proper supplementation and recovery that is followed by a professional athlete. Therefore, the million dollars question is how to get a body like 50 Cent. Here are top nine workout strategies of 50 Cent:
HIT training program
50 Cent follows high intensity training (HIT). A 40 minutes hell program is specifically designed for him that changes from week to week as per his schedule. Even he also practices Pilates and Yoga. He warms up before exercising by 7-10 athletic drills. 50 Cent workout schedule is divided into three phases. Phase 1 includes pushups in one minute without rest, 12 to 15 pull ups and chin ups without rest. then, he performs 12 to 15 reps of Arnold dumbbell press and seated cable rows without rest, and medicine ball toss for 30 seconds.
In the second phase, 50 Cent performs 12 to 15 reps of Arnold press, seated rows, dumbbell alternate curls with Olympic bar and dips. Medicine ball toss and medicine ball chops for 30 seconds with one minute break is also included in his HIT schedule. in the final phase of 50 Cent workout routine, there are 8 to 10 reps of power cleans and cleans, 12 to 15 reps of single leg squats and squat jumps for 30 seconds.
Medicine ball workout
You can use medicine ball workouts like 50 Cent for quadriceps workout. You can perform standard burpees with medicine ball in hands. It will make the workout more difficult and help in building strong cardiovascular muscles. You can also perform push-ups with medicine ball. Push ups help in building chest, triceps and shoulders muscles, and medicine ball will make the workout more intense. Medicine ball throws and sit-ups are really effective on abdominal muscles. another medicine ball workout is medicine ball slams. It is a whole body strengthening exercise.
Upper abdominal workout
It is very important to train cardiovascular muscles, burn fat and eat great, if you want fabulous looking upper abs. It is quite easy to workout abdominal muscles without any equipment. A person just need his body and the floor. Basically, abdominal workout includes sit-ups and crunches, but they are effective on upper abdominal only.
Ab-wheel is a great workout exercise that is performed by 50 Cent on routine basis. By exploding up, you can have ripped abs in no time.
Lower abdominal workout
It is also important to workout for obliques and lower abdominal. For lower abs you can opt for leg lifts like 50 Cent. For this workout you have to lay on the floor with both legs perpendicular to your upper body. You can place your hands under buttocks for stability. Now, gently lower down your legs as close to the floor as possible without touching it. Then,bring them back to the perpendicular position. Sit-ups are quite effective for reducing the size of waistlines or men. They are intense workout for V-shape physique.
Quadriceps workout
The basic workout for quadriceps is to lay down on the floor and keep your both legs straight and perpendicular to the upper body. This workout will flex your quadriceps. There are several exercises that you can add in your workout routine for strong quadriceps muscles. You can use dumbbell while performing quadriceps workout as it increases the intensity of workout. There is dumbbell rear lunge, dumbbell squat and dumbbell forward lunge in 12 to 15 reps. They will be really effective for strong quadriceps muscles.
Obliques workout
Apart from upper and lower abdominal muscle training, it is very important to follow some oblique workout routine. There are few exercises taken from the 50 Cent workout schedule for oblique training. Standing dumbbell side bend is a great exercise for oblique muscles. For this exercise, you have to hold dumbbell in both hands at each side. Then, you have to bend 12 to 15 times every side. oblique crunches are quite similar to normal crunches, but they possess more emphasis on oblique muscles. Another oblique workout from 50 Cent workout routine is oblique twist hanging leg lift. For this exercise, you will require a sturdy beam or pullup bar that is hanging to the ceiling.
Legs workout
Legs have relatively powerful and large group of muscles in the entire body. Your physique and performance can suffer, if you neglect your leg training. Legs muscles are basically divided into three parts, namely, calves, hamstrings and quadriceps. single leg squat is a perfect exercise taken from the workout routine of 50 Cent for building strong muscles of legs. In this exercise, do not use any weight and try to perform 12 to 15 reps without rest period. Squat jump is also a wonderful workout for strong leg muscles. Try to perform as many as reps in 30 second and then take a 60 seconds rest.
Arms workout
Arms can be easily worked out. like 50 Cent you can perform a series of push ups. Push ups actually work on different muscles of your arms. Apart from normal push ups, there are diamond push ups that are much more effective and difficult to workout. To perform these diamond push ups, you have to bring thumbs and index fingers together and form a posture of diamond. This will distribute your body weight on a smaller area and enhance the intensity of workout. to workout on your triceps for a physique like 50 Cent, crab push ups are ideal for you.
Weekly workout schedule
50 Cent works out 6 days a week. His schedule is actually based on his music concert schedule. On Monday and Thursday, he prefer working out for chest, shoulders and triceps. On Tuesday and Friday, he works out for back and biceps. Lower body and HIT cardio workout is listed for Wednesday and Saturday. During his lower body workout days, he performs weighted plyometrics and treadmill sprints. This will help in increasing metabolism and keeping cardiovascular system in proper shape. On Sunday, 50 Cent gives rest to his body, which is very important. his training philosophy is mainly focused on a series of athletic movements that builds endurance and mobility.