ADD/ADHD: Help, Support and Overcome

ADD/ADHD Overview

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral disorder characterized by hyperactivity and impulsive behavior coupled with problems of distractibility and poor attention. ADD/ADHD is one of the most commonly studied developmental disorders among children. It has been found to affect 3-5% of children around the world. The symptoms of ADD/ADHD can be broadly classified under two categories: predominantly inattentive and predominantly hyperactive.


Children and adults with predominantly inattentive symptoms are easily distracted, forget things, miss details, find it difficult to focus and follow instructions, get bored easily, do not listen when spoken to, move slowly and often daydream, experience problems with learning new things and so on. On the other hand, those with predominantly hyperactive symptoms show impatience, cannot sit in one place for long and keep fidgeting and squirming in their seat, talk non stop, keep running and moving here and there, have no control over what they do and say, and are capable of saying inappropriate things without thinking them through etc.


The actual cause of ADD/ADHD is not known yet. However, a large number of factors such as genes, diet and the social and physical environment in which the child is growing may contribute to or aggravate ADD/ADHD. Genetics has been found to be the major cause so far with about 75% of cases studies showing genes to be the most responsible factor for ADD/ADHD. Some studies have also shown that environmental factors such as exposure to smoke and alcohol during pregnancy can also be a significant cause of this disorder.


Some studies have also linked artificial food colors and preservatives used in food items to hyperactivity, which is a common symptom of ADD/ADHD. Moreover, social imbalances such as a dysfunctional family and lack of proper education can also contribute towards such behavioral deficiencies.

Help and Support for ADD/ADHD

Although there are no concrete steps that you can take to prevent ADD/ADHD in your child, there certainly are many methods to making coping with ADD/ADHD easier. You can find out about Support Groups and join them, which will help you share your experiences with other people and help in coping with this disorder. Donโ€™t be shy to share the knowledge of your condition with colleagues and teachers. They are more likely to support you and be ready to make small adjustments for you. Most of all, your family and close friends are your biggest support system. Letting people know about your problem will also help them understand your situation better and make your relationships stronger.

Overcome ADD/ADHD

Managing ADD/ADHD usually involves a combination of counseling, behavior modifications, and lifestyle changes along with medication. Medicines alone have not been very successful in curing this disorder over the long term, although they have been proved to be effective over the short term.


Stimulants or psychostimulants that boost and balance the levels of chemicals in the brain are the most commonly used medication for ADD/ADHD. They help to treat the core symptoms of ADD/ADHD such as hyperactivity. However, they may also have some side effects such as insomnia, nausea, anorexia, loss of appetite, increase in blood pressure, headaches etc.


Behavioral modifications are more successful and are recommended for children with mild symptoms. Psychological therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), psychoeducational input, interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT), training in social skills, parent management, and school based interventions have been found to be very useful.

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