Quick tips for migraine sufferers


Migraine is a type of chronic headache, characterized by throbbing pain experienced in one part of the head. Although the condition is not life threatening, it can be quite disabling and severely affects the sufferers quality of life. However, the good news is that with little efforts and simple dietary and lifestyle modifications, one can successfully reduce the severity and frequency of migraine type headaches. Listed below are some Do’s and Don’ts for people suffering from migraine type headaches:



1. Dietary regulations

Your overall health is a mere reflection of your dietary habits and lifestyle. You must therefore eat healthy food in order to enjoy healthy life devoid of medical illnesses. People suffering from migraine type headaches must include a hearty dose of fresh fruits, green veggies, nuts, whole grain foods, cereals and pulses, lean meat, fish and poultry in their regular diet. Moreover, it is recommended that you lower the meal portion size and increase the frequency of meal times. You must eat at regular short intervals.

2. Keeping blood sugar levels in check

Surprisingly, one of the most commonly known triggers of migraine is lowered blood sugar levels. Blood sugar level that is below the normal range can be quite fatal and disrupt normal functioning of several body organs. Having said that, it does not mean migraine sufferers need to binge upon sugary food. You just need to maintain a healthy balance. Opt for healthier snack options like fruits, juices, etc that not only keep sugar levels in check but are also high in fiber content.

3. Weighty issues

Obesity brings with it numerous chronic diseases. Being overweight affects your blood pressure levels that may further trigger migraine type headaches. Some form of physical activity as a part of your daily routine is a must in order to lower the severity and frequency of migraine headaches. Something as simple as walking can make a world of difference.

4. Stress and Anger Management

The state of your mind and your emotional stability directly affects your physical well being. Given the fast pace times and phony world we live in, stress and negative feelings like anger, jealousy, bitterness, hatred, etc are inevitable. All this can make the matter worse for migraine patients. Lot of alternative therapies like yoga and meditation, breathing exercises, Tai Chi, acupressure, etc are available to help you combat stress.


1. Things to avoid

Caffeine, red wine, aged cheese, chocolate, unhealthy sugary beverages, artificial sweeteners, etc, trigger migraine headaches. It is advisable to maintain a diary so as to know how your body reacts to different food items so that you can avoid the ones that trigger migraines in you. Some medications, especially oral contraceptives may trigger migraines because of estrogen and should therefore be avoided. You must consult your physician for an alternative hormone replacement therapy.

2. Irregular sleep patterns

Having irregular sleep patterns only add to the misery of migraine sufferers and must therefore be kept in check. Inadequate sleep affects serotonin levels in the body that in turn may trigger migraine type headaches.

3. Don’t ignore the early symptoms

Act before the condition becomes chronic. Learn to differentiate between a normal headache and a migraine type headache. Migraines are severe headaches that may last for few hours to several days. Exposure to light and sound aggravate the symptoms and should be avoided. Ample rest should be taken lying down in a dark and comfortable place.

4. Don’t drive with a migraine

If you suspect a migraine attack, don’t over-strain yourself and avoid driving.


1. What is a migraine headache?

A migraine is a common, recurrent, disabling headache disorder that can last from a few hours to several days. Migraine patients experience throbbing pain typically on one side of the head, nausea, vomiting and over-sensitivity to light and sound.

2. What causes migraine type headaches?

Migraines are more common in women but experts are not really clear about what causes migraine headaches in the first place. Studies say that migraines are resultant of chemical changes in the brain that are triggered by faulty dietary and lifestyle habits. Changes in hormones during a woman’s menstrual cycles are also known to trigger migraines.

3. When to see the doctor?

Migraines are chronic headaches and you must consult your physician at the earliest. Migraine can be disabling and affect the quality of your life. It is advisable not to prolong suffering by ignoring the symptoms.

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