9 Helpful strategies to encourage health living with cardiac arrhythmia

Cardiac arrhythmia is a condition when the muscles of the heart function abnormally leading the heart to beat faster, lower and irregular than the required rate. If this is checked on time and treated properly, it can be cured. There are plenty of factors associated with cardiac arrhythmia like improper metabolism, high cholesterol, obesity, poor diet, lack of exercise, etc. Yet, one can implement a healthy living routine with this disorder. Some lifestyle changes can contribute to a change towards betterment in cardiac arrhythmia condition. Dietary changes, low impact exercise routine, avoiding alcohol, quitting smoking, regular checkups and medication can sail you successfully through this disorder.

Dietary changes

Diet is an important part of living healthy with cardiac arrhythmia. Limit the intake of saturated fat generally found in red meat, full cream milk, cheese, ice creams, fries, pizza, cookies, burgers etc. Instead, go for healthy foods like lean meat, tuna, skimmed milk, peanut butter oil, butter, olive oil, almond oil, whole grain cereals and legumes, oatmeal, brown rice and nuts. Include plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, vitamins and minerals while reduce salt intake in your diet. All these are heart healthy foods which do not create an unnecessary pressure on your heart and control its rate.


In case of cardiac arrhythmia disorder, an extensive exercising routine can cause an irregular rhythm which can aggravate the problem. It can also pose problems like sensation of heart fluttering, skipping beats, pounding of heart, difficulty in breathing, excessive sweating, chest pain and even fainting. So, it is better to stick to a low impact exercising routine and it is also important to take breaks if your heart behaves abnormally. A gentle walk routine and a few low impact stretches and yoga exercises would be beneficial for such a condition. If you feel even slightly uncomfortable during any exercising routine, stop immediately to avoid any further complications.

Stay hydrated

Cardiac arrhythmia is also associated with genetic imbalance which has an impact on the electrolyte balance of the body. A well balanced diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables to provide the essential fluid to the body along with the nutrients, vitamins and minerals present in them is really important. Consume a lot of fluids like fresh fruit juice, herbal tea, lemon water and water to maintain your electrolyte balance and get rid of unnecessary toxins from your body.

Say no to alcohol

Alcohol intake increases the fluttering in heart. Excessive drinking can increase a risk of alcohol-induced cardiac arrhythmia and cause a further damage to the already existing condition. Social drinking is not bad but one should limit the consumption (1 drink per day for women and not more than 2 drinks for men in a day). So, if you are a patient of cardiac arrhythmia, it is recommended to leave excessive drinking habit.

Stop smoking

Smoking is injurious to people suffering from cardiac arrhythmia, and so it is completely prohibited. Nicotine present in cigarettes is a stimulant which can make your heart to beat faster, thus worsening the situation. Quitting smoking reduces the chances of a heart attack and getting prey to heart diseases like coronary heart disease and cardiac arrhythmia. Nicotine patches, a drug helpful for quitting smoking, is found safe for people suffering from arrhythmia, and it does not even interfere with the medication of cardiac arrhythmia ( a consultation with your doctor for the final verdict is required on this).

Coffee and arrhythmia

Caffeine present in coffee can cause arrhythmias, as it leads to a racing heart. Consume coffee and tea in moderation i.e. about 4 cups a day. Excessive coffee results in speeding of nervous signals which can further result in the release of adrenaline and increase in blood and heart pressure. Coffee has a direct effect on adenosine receptors which can cause supra ventricular arrhythmia.

Energy drinks and arrhythmia

Energy drinks and soft drinks contain a high amount of vitamins, stimulants and other ingredients like caffeine. Everybody responds to these energy drinks differently, but they have a negative effect on the body if they are used for a continuous period of time. They can make the body dehydrated and can increase the heart rate tremendously. So, people with an underlying condition of cardiac arrhythmia should restrict the intake of these drinks.

Omega-3 fatty acid intake

Omega-3 fatty acids are fast diminishing from the modern day diet. Fish, cold water fish and algae oil are good and rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Other good but short term sources of omega-3 fatty acid are chia seeds, flax seed, pumpkin seeds, soybeans, walnuts and the oil extracted from these sources. These resources work as a cardiac modulator for the heart and its overall health. You could also induce omega-3 acid supplements in your daily regime as prescribed by the doctor.

Regular checkups

A regular checkup to monitor your heart rate is a must to keep the possibilities of cardiac arrhythmia at bay. Inform and update your doctor about all the issues related to disorder, and maintain a record of all your ECGs or EKGs to determine your condition.

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