Ankylosing spondylitis is a very common disease among adults. It is an inflammatory aliment of the coaxial skeleton which consists of around 82 bones. This disease affects the peripheral joints as well as the non-articular structures, including joints in the spine, pelvis and spine. When uncontrolled, this disease can cause complete fusion of the spine, making it rigid, thus, ensuing several other chronic disorders. Such condition is known as the “bamboo spine” in medical terms. It sometimes also affects the shoulders, hips and other muscles of the body, affecting the day to day functioning. There are several exercises that can help you deal with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) besides medication.
Lying prone
This exercise is ideal to keep a record of spine alignment as well as maintain an erect posture. You need to lie face down on a solid surface, either on floor or bed. In case you find it difficult to lie flat on a hard surface, you can place a pillow or a folded cloth under the chest and forehead. When you start with this exercise do not exert excessively, a two to five minute session would do wonders. Gradually, you can increase the time intervals to accomplish the desired results.
Initially, you may feel mild muscle pain, so it is best to try this posture after a warm up session. Do not lie down on a cold surface as it may intensify the pain in the muscles. Make sure that the exercise is carried out properly, preferably under the supervision of a physician so that you do not end up doing it the wrong way.
Back against the wall
This is yet another exercise that is very effective in dealing with ankylosing spondylitis. Cultivate a habit of standing, walking and sitting “tall”. To check your posture, you can stand against a wall with a balanced chin in front of a full-size mirror. Just stand with your buttocks and shoulders slightly touching the walls. Your heels should be around four to five inches away from the wall. Try stretching yourself, but don’t strain. Repeated this exercise for every five seconds and relax in between. This exercise has produced wonderful results and is considered very effective at keeping a record of spine alignment. In case you find any deviations from the normal conditions, do consult the doctor.
Swimming is a very good exercise to keep you fit and in a good shape. Researches have established that swimming reduces the chances of inflaming your joints considerably, thus, is very effective against spondylitis. Swimming enhances flexibility of spine and other joints including neck, shoulder and hip joints. There are different kinds of swimming styles. Doctors recommend front crawl for people suffering from ankylosing spondylitis as in this swimming style the whole body remains extended throughout. When you push yourself forward, the neck as well as the spine rotates gently giving it the much needed mild exercise. Back crawl swimming technique helps in opening the chest cavity and moves the shoulders in the anti-clockwise direction. However, one should avoid practicing butterfly stroke as it exerts excessive strain on the lower back, especially if you are suffering from ankylosing spondylitis. Similarly, breast stoke should be also avoided for it puts excessive strain on the neck and lower back.
Breathing exercises
In ankylosing spondylitis, the spinal column becomes stiff, eventually causing stiffness in ribs and other associated muscles. This also shrinks the capacity of the lungs, which worsens the condition further. Thus, doctors recommend deep breathing exercise as it helps in dealing with loss of mobility in spine and ribcage. Start practicing deep breathing sessions, preferably in morning. Do not exert yourself too much as it may cause internal damage to the lungs. Anyone can practice this exercise to beat the effects of poor respiratory exchange. The effects include infections and even a reduced life expectancy. You can also try yoga and tai chi. Place a pile of pillows on the floor and sit in a position popularly known as the bound angle position. Take deep breaths while stretching your arms over your head. This exercise stretches the chest and increases the lung capacity back to normal.
Hip and leg stretches
Ankylosing spondylitis causes the tightening of hips, legs and back muscles which ensues in postural changes. To deal with this, hip and leg stretches are recommended by doctors and physicians all over the world. Initially, these stretches must be practiced under the supervision of a trainer or a physical therapist to make sure that you perform it correctly. Lay down on your back on a floor or a firm bed and push your knees downward. Repeat this exercise every 10 seconds while relaxing in between for small intervals, say 5 seconds. After this, try lifting your bent calf with the thigh aligned with the body. Hold this position for around 10 seconds and relax. For hips, try lying down on your stomach and lift the leg upwards to a comfortable height while keeping the knee straight for 10 seconds. It relaxes the hamstring and hip flexor muscles. Do not overdo it as it may cause muscular pain and muscle fatigue.
Prone arm and leg lifts
The exercise of prone arm and leg lifts are very effective against overcoming the affects of ankylosing spondylitis. These exercises should be ideally performed on the floor or any other rigid surface to provide support to the body. Just lay down on the floor on your stomach so that the front portion of the body can be stretched easily. Try lifting one arm and leg together slowly for 10 seconds during the initial stages. Repeat the movement with other arm and leg. Relax for a few seconds in between. Do ensure that your buttocks and abdominal muscles provide full support to the body so that no stress in exerted on the spine. In case you find it difficult, place a pillow under the hips. It will help in avoiding the excessive arching of the back bone. Also try pushing your knee into the floor, use this support to raise your leg into the air at a reasonable height. Make sure you do not over do it as it may expose your spine to excessive pressure. Once you have raised the legs, bring them down slowly. Repeat the aforementioned movements 3 to 10 times in each session. Gradually, the time period can be increased and the number of repetitions can be increased with time.
Cycling is a simple yet recommended method of staying fit in terms of health, fitness and stamina. It is also very beneficial for people suffering from ankylosing spondylitis. However, it is mandatory to consult a physician before you take up cycling if you are suffering from spondylitis. It is not recommended for people experiencing unbearable pain and stiffness due to fusion of the spine. Those who suffer from mild ankylosing spondylitis can slowly start with cycling on regular and flat terrain. Make sure you maintain an upright posture with the body stretched tall while cycling. Break the cycling activity into sessions of 5 to 15 minutes and between each session try lying flat on the floor to stretch the spine. Cycling ensues movement of muscles and increases the flexibility. However, if you feel abnormal pain and soreness in muscles, discontinue cycling and consult your physician immediately.
Walking may seem a simple and daily routine activity, but its benefits are often overlooked by most of us. Still, it is an excellent way of toning your muscles and maintaining fitness. People suffering from ankylosing spondylitis must cultivate a habit of walking daily, preferably in the morning hours. It helps in reducing the stiffness in the muscles and increases the flow of oxygen to the body tissues. People who suffer from severe ankylosing spondylitis should avoid running as it may worsen the condition. However, they can try Nordic walking, which is walking at a rapid pace. Walking briskly provides a full body workout without exerting unnecessary strain on the joints. It reduces the muscle tension considerably and even reduces the pain in the joints due to arthritis.
Resistance exercise
Resistance exercise simply means resisting the flexed postures during daily activities. While sitting on a chair in front of a computer or while watching your favorite daily soap on TV, we tend to sit in slightly hunched position. Such practice may not present a threat but eventually leads to a progressively rigid flexed posture ensuring ankylosing spondylitis. Resisting the temptation of sitting in flexed postures or simply standing straight can significantly help in avoiding the progression of postural deformity due to ankylosing spondylitis. Resistance exercises also include different exercises to enhance the mass and strengthen muscle tissues. Simple workouts such as sit ups, chin ups and push ups help in toning the body muscles and mitigating the affects of ankylosing spondylitis.