6 Fun ways to manage blood pressure

Dark chocolates

Hypertension or high blood pressure is one of the most common problems which can affect almost every person all over the world. As per the reports of American Institute of Medicine, nearly one third of people between the ages of 35 to 45 as well as 12 percent of people between 25 to 35 years of age suffer from this ailment. There are several reasons that are responsible for high blood pressure. Among them, intake of excessive quantity of sodium is the chief reason. When you consume excessive quantities of salt in your diet to enhance taste, the ingredient can also make you unable to retain water in your blood. This can lead to increase your blood pressure. Besides this, excessive smoking and drinking, heavy mental stress and tension, and bad selection of foods are also responsible in increasing your blood pressure.

High blood pressure can lead to severe heart attack, stroke and even erectile dysfunction. That is why, it is very important for everybody to have control on their blood pressure and attempt at keeping it in normal range. People who have already crossed the age of 35 years must go for a regular medical checkup within a regular interval of time. Once you are detected with high blood pressure, you must start medical treatment without wasting any time. This article will provide few fun ways to control your blood pressure.

1. Eat dark chocolate

If you are able to eat dark chocolate on a regular basis, then you may be able to lower down your blood pressure level significantly. As per the medical research reports, people who eat 31/2 ounces of dark chocolate per day, on a daily basis for at least fifteen days at a stretch are able to lower down their systolic blood pressure to at least 4.5 points and diastolic blood pressure to at least 4.2 points. Dark chocolate not only reduces blood pressure, it also helps you to lower your risk of cardiovascular problems by twenty percent within five years. If you want to get the best benefits from dark chocolates, then you must try to choose the right types of chocolates for you where you can find at least sixty five percent of cocoa, more antioxidants and less sugar.

2. Try to maintain normal sexual relationship

If you are able to keep your blood flowing activity within your body normal then you will never suffer from problems of high blood pressure. You can maintain a healthy sex life in different ways to keep this blood circulation regular. When you are involved in sexual activity, you become energetic and your body gets stimulated. This stimulation increases the flow of blood in your body, which is very effective to reduce your blood pressure level. Subsequent researches in this field have shown that patients who have a regular sex life , of at least twice a week, have greater chances to get their pressure level within their control. But all types of sexual activities are not good for high blood pressure patients. The research reports further show that conventional vaginal intercourse is much better than other kinds of sexual activity on occasions of high blood pressure. When you are involved in sexual intercourse, the Oxycontin hormone is released. This hormone can help you to reduce your stress. On the other hand, sexual intercourse can also serve as a great workout by which you can burn up to sixty calories in half in one session.

3. Listening to melodious tunes

Music is the perfect measure by which you can relax your arteries. If the arteries become relaxed, then the blood flow becomes normal. It is already proven that normal blood flow can reduce blood pressure. Listing to rhythmic music or tunes for at least thirty minutes per day on a regular basis can lower your systolic blood pressure by more than four points. Listening to slow and steady music can also relax your blood vessel. But you need to choose right kind of music for this purpose. You must try to avoid loud music that cannot soothe your nerves and cause reverse effects.

4. Involve in games

Tension free or stress free situation can keep your blood pressure within the normal range. That is why, you must try to spend a few hours of tension free or stress free life per day. But most of the time this is not possible due to heavy work pressure and other reasons. If you want to drive out your tension or stress completely, then you must try to involve yourself in some games that include physical activity, like running, jogging, participating in any team game, etc. But you should never participate in those types of games where there is more of brain work, like chess, strategic games, Chinese checker, etc., where you need to think at every move. Games involving physical work can lower your systolic blood pressure by two to five points if you can get involved in them on a regular basis.

5.Try to encourage moderate drinking

Consuming excessive quantity of alcohol is not good for those people who suffer from problems of high blood pressure. But moderated drinking in the manner of two pegs per day is permissible as that can make your arteries larger and more pliable. This, in turn, can help you to lower your blood pressure. But always remember to have restrictions on heavy drinking, whatever might be the situation.

6. Laugh heartily

Laughter is most important medicine for people who suffer from high blood pressure. It can help you to relax your blood vessels and maintain normal blood flow through them. Laughter produces a hormone inside the body that strengthens the tissues in the inner lining of the blood vessels and expands the blood vessels. This allows increased blood flow throughout the body and reduces high blood pressure. Thus, you must try to watch funny movies, enjoy jokes and try to be happy.

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