5 Tips to maintain work-life balance

Work-life balance

Balancing between work and personal life is a major concern for many people working in different sectors of the industry. Stress from work life can seep into personal relationships and vice versa thus making it difficult to concentrate on either work or home. The stress from work load is even more a reality considering the insecurity of layoffs and pink slips that are becoming so common these days.

In fact, this insecurity at work is driving employees to put more work hours, at the cost of sacrificing the personal life at home. However, this unbalanced situation demands a resolution if you want to get the best of both worlds, at work and at home. Here are 5 important tips that will help you to achieve a balance between work and home.

1. Incorporate downtime in your schedule

Life is all about planning. An effective planning of life can help you to manage your work and personal life. When you are planning your weekly schedule, you should make sure that you are incorporating free time in your schedule. Time spent with family and friends is very important in achieving a balance and this time should not be neglected. Planning activities with your family like a date night with your spouse or a paintball game with your buddies is as important as your work and, therefore, should be given due preference. If you are undecided who should come first, family or work in your schedule, it is important to remember that both these aspects of life are equally important and interdependent on each other, just like the yin-yang pattern. Keeping in mind the yin-yang pattern will help you to achieve a balance in your work life and personal life. You should make it a point to not just wake up in the morning, get ready for work and go to work, but try to spend some sweet moments with your family, it is a great stress reliever.

2. Cut down on activities that waste your energy

You will have to identify the activities in your daily life that waste your time and energy. For example, you should not waste time in useless gossip with your office colleagues, when the same time can be spent with the family. Other such activities that often waste your time and energy are frequently checking your bank balance or spending too much time in checking your social media web page. These activities should either be converted in a positive direction or should be avoided as much as possible.

3. Plan your errands carefully

You should consider the probability of whether you can outsource or replace any of your household errands. Of course, if you are deriving fun from your household errands and they are a great way of unwinding then you can just go about doing them. Also, you should consider replacing one errand with another for a change of taste and add some variety to your daily schedule. For example, if you like to cook more than gardening, then you can just replace your gardening with cooking. Of course, you will have to reach an agreement at your house regarding the replacement of the errands.

4. Do physical exercise

You should always incorporate physical exercise in your daily life. Physical exercises are great way to relax and unwind. Simple physical exercises do not take much time and they should be incorporated in your daily schedule. The importance of this tip cannot be stressed enough.

5. Indulge in habits that boost your energy

You should find time to indulge in activities that refresh and rejuvenate you. Reading comics or spending some time watching cartoon on television with your kids can go a long way in keeping your mind refreshed. Make it a point to listen to good music or other creative activities.

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