First story
I believe that everything happens for a reason, and you can learn a lot if you are ready to fight. I realized this fact when I was diagnosed with COPD. It was really horrible experience for me as my daughter was going to deliver her first baby and she required my support most of the time. I used to smoke around 15 to 20 packs of cigarettes daily in spite of of being an asthmatic. I was living a miserable life, but expecting my first grandchild to grow into a healthy baby. Sitting at home idle and waiting for something horrifying stirred me to death. Then I decided to die like a martyr by running Marathon. I contacted British Lung Foundation, but when they were told about the fact that I was experiencing COPD, they got more concerned about my health. I did not want to let things overcome my determination. I started my practice for one minute at a local gym on a treadmill. I gradually made it to 1 hour in one month that resulted in fourth position at Marathon. My winning experience taught me it is not COPD, it is your determination that always overcomes your disease.
Second story
Having served the army and navy as a paratrooper, I left the forces with strong body and muscles. Next three to four years were memorable days for me and my family, but suddenly things got messed up. I felt that I was getting breathless, especially when I had to exert myself or lift up any heavy thing. I completely discarded the fact of any disease and thought that I was feeling puffy. I was on holiday in Mexico to enjoy Marlin fishing trip. I had great difficulty breathing when I was diagnosed it was found that it was COPD. Without losing my hope, I joined rehabilitation program where I learnt how to improve my diet, how to exercise and learned about medication. What I learnt is do not be panic, do not lose your hope, and learn how to manage your condition. After that I also joined local British Lung Foundation group. Now I feel complexly recovered.
Third story
When I was told that I had COPD, it took my breath away. Lots of stories came to my mind about people whose life was over, but I had my young grown-up kids to take care of them. I gathered lots of information to help me recover from COPD and quitting smoking was one of them. But, it was not an easy job. Actually, it was my own fault that caused COPD to that level. I neglected being sick all the time, short of breath and coughing. These were the early signs, but I attributed them to stressful life. One day, I could not breathe and fell down on stairs. When I got conscious I found my daughter and my dog standing worried me. Then I promised myself three things; to live for my dog & kids, never to smoke again and help other encourage fighting with COPD.
Fourth story
At the age of 25, COPD was unknown to me. But, it was killing because there was something wrong in my breathing, walking long distance and picking up things. I thought my life was over so early. I met other people like me in rehabilitation centers who told me to learn how to breathe, what to eat, learn about medications. Five years ago, I was shattered but after joining pulmonary rehab group things changed dramatically. Now, I have more friends than before, I swim daily, laugh a lot, enjoy grocery shopping and go for long walks.
Fifth story
I had severe COPD at the age of 35 and I was relieved from my job. I was unemployed with many family responsibilities. I enjoyed my life according to my desires and wishes. Smoking 15 packs a day always made me feel a prince. I hated the person who suggested my good ideas and advised to take care of my health. But, past never comes back. I was having financial as well as physiological problems, just because of my COPD. I met Mrs. Jonathan a 57 years old lady who encouraged me and taught me how to fight with COPD. Because she also had the same problem, but overcome everything. When I found that a lady of 57 can do why not me! This heartened me and I got determined to follow her suit. Now, I am running a rehab where I encourage people that COPD can be defeated.