15 Exercises to combat stress during and after menopause

Menopause can be rife with stress and physical discomfort; exercise goes a long way in fighting these problems. There are different kinds of exercises, along with the right kind of diet that can relieve symptoms of menopause and prove to be excellent stress busters. Early mornings are the best time for exercise when the sun is just about rising. Outdoor training is preferable to indoor training. By the time you finish the exercise, your body will have absorbed enough sunlight to manufacture vitamin D from the cholesterol present in the body. Outdoor environs are known to have a higher stress busting effect. Make sure that you drink two glasses of water or a glass of fresh fruit juice before exercising so that your metabolism is kick started and you burn more calories. At least half an hour of exercise is recommended every day for menopausal women to combat stress. Read on below for fifteen such very effective exercises.

15 Exercises to combat stress during and after menopause


15 Exercises to combat stress during and after menopause

Hormonal changes that happen during menopause are the major reasons for stress. Walking regulates hormone levels and keeps stress under control. During this time, women also tend to gain weight, which could have undesirable effects on the heart and trigger chronic diseases such as type II diabetes, arthritis and hypertension. Walking is a form of cardio exercise that burns calories, is easy on the bones and joints and easy to perform. People suffering from heart diseases and many other chronic diseases can safely undertake walking at a comfortable pace. If you suffer from osteoporosis, do take your doctor’s advice before beginning any kind of exercise.

Light weight training

15 Exercises to combat stress during and after menopause

Weight training forms an important aspect of exercise for menopausal women because they experience a decrease in bone density due to loss of calcium and iron. Bones become brittle and muscle mass is lost. Light weight training is a good remedy for this problem. Make sure that you take professional guidance and maintain proper postures so that you do not suffer musculoskeletal injuries. When you train with weight, include more proteins in diet and have a protein drink before exercising. However, keep in mind never to train the same body part with weights on consecutive days.


15 Exercises to combat stress during and after menopause

Yoga is one of the best forms of exercise for menopausal women. The postures in yoga bring the right flow of energy in the body and balance hormone levels, which helps in reducing stress. Also, if you suffer from joint pain or have other problems that do not allow you to undertake other forms of exercise, yoga is a good solution. Yoga should be performed on an empty stomach. So, early mornings are the best time for it. Yoga is very relaxing on the mind as well. However, for women suffering from brittle bones, certain yogic postures that stress bone joints need to be avoided.

Abdominal crunches

15 Exercises to combat stress during and after menopause

A combination of side crunches, side planks and side bends are good for menopausal women because they tend to put on weight in the abdominal region, hips and thighs. These exercises tone and strengthen the entire core region, thus helping them stay fit. A well shaped body provides a psychological advantage as well, which in turn curbs feelings of depression and moodiness, which are very frequent during the menopause phase. Begin with performing a single rep of ten counts for one week and gradually increase to three reps of ten counts each in the following weeks.

Aerobic exercises

15 Exercises to combat stress during and after menopause

Aerobics are cardio exercises done in the form of a dance. They are extremely stress relieving, excellent calorie burners and good for comprehensive wellness of the body. Group aerobics are very beneficial to fight stress. However, begin with low intensity exercises and as you get comfortable with the moves, increase intensity gradually. Half an hour of low intensity exercise or twenty minutes of high intensity aerobics are recommended. If you perform aerobics only on alternate days, push the envelope to forty five minutes. Women with osteoporosis should avoid high intensity aerobics.


15 Exercises to combat stress during and after menopause

Pilates are stretching exercises that are focused on improving flexibility, balance and strength. A combination of Pilates in sitting, standing and lying down positions should be performed for enhancing full body flexibility. Pilates are recommended for menopausal women because body flexibility reduces after menopause. Symptoms of menopause can also be curbed with Pilates. The major benefits of this form of exercise are better posture, better spinal strength, better muscle flexibility, more endurance, higher lung capacity and better mind-body connection.

Flexion exercises

15 Exercises to combat stress during and after menopause

Flexion exercises are good for all women and especially those who have osteoporosis. The aim of these exercises is to reduce lumbar extension and promote lumbar flexion. The gluteal and abdominal muscles are strengthened with the help of these exercises. They are good for the spine and lower back. Lower back ache is a problem for a lot of women and it exaggerates during and after menopause, leading to a lot of physical discomfort and stress. These exercises tackle the problem and relieve backache. A simple form of this kind of exercise is to sit on a chair with feet firmly on the floor. Lift your knees towards the chest and lower down. Repeat ten times. Lift your hands above the head and bend to touch your toes without putting strain on the back. These exercises can be performed in sitting, standing and sleeping postures.

Breathing exercises

15 Exercises to combat stress during and after menopause

Hot flashes, agitation and mood swings are common problems just before, during and after menopause and breathing exercises are very useful in this regard. Deep breathing, controlled rapid breathing and pranayama which regulates inflow and outflow of air are good during this difficult phase of life. Sit erect with back straight. Close your right nostril and inhale through the left one. Hold your breath for a second. Now, close the left nostril and exhale though the right one. Repeat this exercise 30 times each morning for tremendous emotional and stress relief.

Resistance training

15 Exercises to combat stress during and after menopause

Resistance training is a form of exercises where a person uses his energy to resist external force, usually in the form of gym weights. These exercises are great for building strength, endurance and resistance in the body. Since menopausal women tend to lose nearly 2 percent of their bone mass annually, these exercises are considered very important. They reduce risks of osteoporosis up to a large extent. Moderate resistance training can prove beneficial for women suffering from cardiac diseases and hypertension as well. However, always perform these exercises under expert guidance.


15 Exercises to combat stress during and after menopause

Calisthenics are weight training exercises that are use one’s own body weight. Perfect examples are pushups, squats, pistons and crunches. These exercises develop lean muscle mass. As women age and pass through the menopausal stage, muscle mass in the body diminishes rapidly. Calisthenics protect the muscle tissues. Also, they are low intensity exercises and hence, good for building resistance and endurance. You can have a full body workout with different forms of calisthenics.

Swiss ball exercises

15 Exercises to combat stress during and after menopause

The biggest benefit of Swiss ball exercises is that they take the pressure off the bone joints while providing perfect support for the body during exercises. So, these exercises are perfect for all women, even those with osteoporosis, cardiac ailments and other chronic diseases. Simple exercises to be performed using the all are crunches for the external obliques and lower back. Reverse crunches and planks can also be very safely and beneficially performed using Swiss balls.

Joint flexibility exercises for the hips

15 Exercises to combat stress during and after menopause

Flexibility exercises for the hips are important because hip bones tend to become very brittle when affected by osteoporosis. Lie on the floor with your left foot resting on the right thigh. Hold your left ankle with right hand and left knee with left hand. Move your left knee up and down using your left hand. Repeat the same exercise with the right foot on left thigh. This exercise should be performed 10 to 15 times and gradually increase to 20 times. While lying in the same position, you can do knee rotations clockwise and anticlockwise.

Exercises for tension release in muscles

15 Exercises to combat stress during and after menopause

A very simple exercise for releasing tension in the muscles of the entire body is to stand erect with back straight and jump on the spot. Arms should be allowed to move freely. You can intensify the exercise by lifting hands over your head and bringing them down with alternate jumps. The exercise is beneficial for releasing tension in the shoulders, upper arms, legs and torso. 3 minutes of jumping is all you need every day for flexible muscles.

Trampoline exercises

15 Exercises to combat stress during and after menopause

Working out on a trampoline is a good form of physical exercise as well as a very effective stress buster. Benefits of trampoline exercises include improved lymph drainage, healthier heart, muscle toning, better coordination and balance and mood enhancement. The best part is that it is great fun to perform and completely relaxing on the mind. It provides an exhilarating feeling that relieves stress very effectively.

Martial arts

15 Exercises to combat stress during and after menopause

Martial arts drain out all your energy and bring a bout of new energy that is completely relaxing and stress relieving. Martial arts are used as preventive medicine since they provide significant protection from all health ailments. These exercises also improve balance, concentration power and reduce symptoms of menopause such as irritability and mood swings.

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