12 Tips for your brainpower development

Brainpower Development

Generally, the human brain is considered to be the most complex organ of entire human body system. At the same time, brain also helps in regulating both the voluntary and involuntary activities of your life. Your day-to-day decisions in life are also supposed to be taken with great involvement of your mind for sure. The human brain actually reflects the behavior of any individual. Many scientists and researchers are constantly working on advancing the average brainpower possessed by every human being. As we need to undergo some special physical workout to maintain the fitness of our physical health for long run, similarly, you can also try some special activities in order to improve your brain power. So, through so many ways, you can actually work on sharpening your brain.

Following are some essential twelve ways to boost up your brain power.

1. Dance


Though dance has already been reported as one of the most efficient physical workouts for human body, various other factors such as coordination and concentration are also associated with dance form. Both of these factors are controlled by your mind. Hence, dance can very much be successful in exercising your brain neurons. Coordination of dance steps along with definite music tune requires so much attentiveness and command by your brain.

2. Visit the gym

Visit the gym

Studies have reported that if you visit gym at least four times a week, then there is definite improvement in your brain function. This is because of enhanced synthesis of neurons in your brain. Rigorous physical workout also helps in production of special brain cells, especially the memory part of brain called dentate gyrus.

3. Crack some eggs

Crack some eggs

Breakfast including egg is highly beneficial for proper functioning of entire brain system. The very nutritious egg consists of various essential nutrients. Such as vitamin-B, this mainly helps to break down glucose into usable form as per the brain. Secondly, egg is richest source of antioxidants and so acts as a protector of neurons (the basic unit of brain) against damage. Lastly, omega-3 fatty acids component that actually provides the active factor to the nerve cells. It is specially recommended to avoid the consumption of trans fat products and high-fructose content syrups, as they severely damage the brain cells and so its exact function. Healthy food stuffs such as fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, eggs and all protein sources are very effective for brain development.

4. Keep moving on

Keep on moving on

Multitasking is always considered as one of the good traits by any individual. However, there should be proper way while handling so many works at the same time. It is advised to take only one work at a time and try to spend at least an hour for the same. Then switch off to another assignment. As a result, engagement of mind at varied works really develops alert state of mind.

5. Hydrate your mind

Hydrate your mind

The human brain is partially filled with watery substance. Hence, hydrated state of brain is very important to be maintained in order to have proper neuron functions. The scarcity of water in brain may result into some disease condition like Alzheimer’s disease. At least eight to six glasses of water is recommended for healthy control of your mind. It will be more beneficial if you consume water in other forms like fresh fruit or vegetable juices. As they are richest source of polyphenols and antioxidants also, that really plays a major role in protection of brain cells from damage.

6. Take out the laughter time

Take out the laughter time

Scientifically, it has been proved that laughter is a good medicine for human heart. However, it is also reported that laughter is also good for healthy brain. Laughter actually helps in reducing all stress chemicals such as epinephrine and cortisol. Basically, laughter activity regulates the controlled circulation of blood through blood vessels of the brain and other body systems.

7. Hit the hay

Hit the hay

It has been reported by doctors that one should have at least seven hours sleep on daily basis. As a result, sufficient sleep makes your brain work efficiently and actively. Ultimately, like rest of body organs, brain also requires some rest for performing its healthy function.

8. Disconnect the cable

Reading habit

It is strictly recommended to decrease the frequency of watching TV with age, because scientists have reported that risks of Alzheimer’s disease increases with this tendency. However, reading any informative book is very beneficial in terms of increasing your brainpower via memory addition to it.

9. Raid the spice rack

Raid the spice rack

Addition of specific set of spices such as rosemary, turmeric, cinnamon, basil, oregano, sage and thyme may create wonders in your day-to-day life. These all spices contents really help to protect your brain from infections and disorders. For example, the carnosic acid found in rosemary functions as a protector for brain cells against severe damage. Apart from it, carnosic acid also keeps you away from dangerous brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

10. Study another language

Learn another language

Learning any new language can actually be supportive in exercising your nerve cells. Reports have revealed that second language learning can directly affect the development of your brain’s gray matter. The brain’s gray matter is actually attention and memory oriented region.

11. Floss your teeth

Floss your teeth

If your gums have been reported with any specific or even mild inflammation, then it may create a serious problem at times. Studies have reported, the unhealthy oral conditions may lead to circulation of germs or bugs to other crucial parts of the body. In this case, brain may also suffer in respect of poor functioning of it.

12. Go green

Go green with green tea

Stress is one of the most common disorders of mental health. Therefore, a cup of green tea may easily help you to get rid from stressful conditions. It is recommended to have at least five cups of green tea every day. Green tea is really very useful to keep you away from mental distress conditions.

Hence, the simplest way is to keep your brain healthy in order to have incredible brainpower for long run.

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