11 Ways to live a fuller life with osteoarthritis

Severe prolonged pain in joints, unable to walk around freely, cold stiffness and swelling in the knees, hips or hands, all this and more could be a sign of osteoarthritis. Though there is no cure, it is now well manageable.

Osteoarthritis is a chronic joint ailment which mainly affects the cartilage or soft tissue cushions found between the joint bones. Cartilage acts as a protecting agent for the meeting bones of the joint area (hands, hips, knees and even shoulders) and make them function smoothly. But a severe breakdown of this cartilage either from top or bottom from within leaves these bones out of lubrication. Hence the joints start touching and rubbing each other when in motion. This results in rough pain, stiffness, swelling and even loss of motion eventually hampering the smooth functioning of the joint bones. An acute stage could even result in joint replacement.

Osteoarthritis can be classified into two classes namely primary and secondary. Primary is directly related to aging due to wear and tear factor of the bones. In contrast, the secondary type occurs in younger population due to lifestyle or physical injury.

A research report indicates that overweight young adults are more likely to have osteoarthritis in their knees once aged. Unwanted secretion of collagen due to an abnormal gene presence is also found to be a cause for premature breakdown of cartilage as per a recent study.

An estimate suggests around 27 million Americans get into the clutch of oteoarthritis, but thanks to the modern science and advanced technology which has paved way as a ray of hope for all those into this chronic disease to cope up. Life with osteoarthritis is now made easy and well manageable.

People with osteoarthritis can lead a normal healthy life by adjusting and adopting certain healthy habits and exercises like activities to improve joint function, reducing and managing body over weight and healthy lifestyle with active and self depending life.

Read more to understand how to make your life better living with osteoarthritis.

Recognize early symptoms

Though there is no cure to osteoarthritis, it can be managed effectively. And if you can catch the symptoms early, it can be managed safely and easily.

Hence, it is crucial to understand and recognize the early symptoms if any. The main attention seeking area would be the slightest pain in joints, if it prolongs continuously, it is highly advisable to contact your doctor. The other symptoms are listed below:

Pain in knees, hips, fingers, hand joints and even spine.

Inflammation in either of the joints along with pain.

Protect your joints

As joints are the root targets for osteoarthritis, it is very important to protect your joints and prevent further complications. This practice will not only reduce the pain but also help maintain the needed energy and motivation to be fit. Here are some simple yet powerful methods to protect your joints :

1. Recognize your body signals: At any moment of work, you feel a nerve taking pain in joints, it is best to stop and understand that either you are overloading the body or using wrong postures to carry your work.

2. Avoid: If you are experiencing severe pain, stiffness or swelling in your joints, it is highly suggested to avoid certain physical actions which can trigger more damage. Avoid pushing, pulling and twisting motions to minimize the pain.

3. Rest: Resting yourself and your joints for minimum 12-24 hours can go a long way in relieving pain and inflammation.

4. Exercise: Nothing best can create wonder than doing correct exercises. Consult your doctor or rehabilitation trainer regarding these exercises. It not just strengthens the joint muscles but also make them quiet stable.

5. Manage weight: Work on reducing weight if you are carrying that extra flab of flesh around your body. More you get into ideal weight, more you can feel the lightness in your joints and its pressure. You can lead a happy normal life once you are able to remove the burden out of your joint bones.

6. Use protective devices: There are number of joint protecting devices available such as thick gloves for hands, special pillows, canes, walkers, other walking aids, footstools and more such devices as per need.

Self management

When you have to live with osteoarthritis, more than doctor’s prescription and various therapies, it is your self management which would make the living much happier and active. Here are few suggestions on how to make an effective self management program:

1. Learn about the disease and understand its limitations.

2. Maintain a personal log and record both good and bad responses to treatment. Follow the log discussing with your doctor on any modifications in treatment required.

3. Exercising, using heat or cold, or other strategies.

4. Activity planning, so that if symptoms are problematic, activities are planned for the best times or days.

4. Join osteoarthritis foundation or similar help groups to share and learn about the experiences and management best practices.

Medications and treatment

Certain medications such as tylenol can relieve pain. This is mostly useful for those with mild or moderate osteoarthritis. However, excessive usage of these kind of medications can be harmful for livers.

Over the counter drugs such as ibuprofen and naproxen can also be taken. But due care is needed as these medications for prolonged use can cause adverse impact on the health including cardiovascular problems, bleeding and damaging the liver.

Injections such as hyalgan and synvisc can also relieve one from pain through lubricating the joint cushions.

However, it is recommended to consult your doctor before taking any medication.

Surgical and other procedures

Surgical options are available for those with acute pain and symptoms. Joint replacement, realigning bones are some of the key procedures for a relief.


Physical therapy: A physical therapist can provide customized exercises as per need. These exercises help strengthening the joint muscles and improve motion.

Artificial braces and shoe inserts: Using artificial medical devises to cover your joint bones can help relieving pain to a large extend. Shoe inserts and braces are some of such devices.

Attending osteoarthritis pain classes: Consult your doctor to find osteoarthritis pain classes near your locality to attend and learn skills and techniques to effectively manage the pain. It is more like a community to share and understand the disease and manage in a better way.

Occupational therapy: Consult an occupational therapist who can suggest you with different ways to do everyday tasks without stressing your bones. There are many simple techniques and equipment available to help you avoid undue pressure and pain to your joint bones. Use of bench in bathrooms while bathing is one such simple method.


In acupuncture hair-thin needles are inserted into the skin at certain pressure points. The treatment when taken for a regular period of time is believed to do wonders and relieve people from pain.

However, it is always advisable to approach a certified acupuncture practitioner to avoid unnecessary complications such as infections and excessive pain through the needles.

Intake of vitamins B, C, D and E

It is scientifically proven that intake of vitamin B,C,D and E can improve joint bones’ health and reduce the impact of osteoarthritis.

The most important among them is considered vitamin C which is responsible to reduce inflammatory response in the body. It also helps in keeping the body fit and out of cardiovascular complications.

Vitamin D is the main source of booster for the bone and cartilage. Sufficient intake of vitamin D can help slow the progression of this disease. The best source is from the bright early morning sun bath.

Similarly vitamin B complex and E can help manage the pain of osteoarthritis effectively.

Relaxation techniques

Relaxation including sufficient rest and sleep can give the needed relief from pain and inflammation.

A mental visualization of pain relief can be framed which through regular practice will settle in subconscious mind and hence relieve the pain out of body.

Deep breathing is yet another simple yet effective technique to relax your body and mind. It can help the body manage stress easily.

Tai chi and yoga

Tai chi is an effective therapy involving gentle exercise and stretches. Similarly, yoga is a strong mechanism to learn correct and deep breathing and simple physical postures to relax and manage the pain.

When learnt through a good instructor, it can do wonders and give you a balanced mode of life.

Care must be taken not to overdo any exercise as this could prove very painful to your joints.

Eating right

Other than medication, therapy and treatment plans, eating right is very crucial to regain and maintain the good health of your body and mind. Nutritious diet and supplements help you manage the disease smoothly. Here are some of the diet plans you can take on a regular basis:

Intake of protein and calcium: You can get it from the cottage cheese and yogurt.

High-fiber, protein: You can get it from canned kidney and garbanzo beans.

Try salads with tortilla and crackers.

Drink lots of fluids including smoothies and shakes out of yogurt, soy milk and fruits.

Positive attitude

Last but not the least, it is your self attitude which plays a major role in making any treatment plan successful. Unless you are self committed and believe that you can manage with the disease, no trick and medication can help you out of pain.

Talk to your doctor and plan your treatment. Follow it religiously and enjoy life in spite of the chronic factor of osteoarthritis.

Keep a positive outlook and refrain from frustrations. You can easily manage living with this disease.

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