11 Natural ways to fight postpartum depression

Post-partum depression

Many women suffer from the condition of Postpartum Depression or PPD after the birth of their baby. To combat this condition, doctors usually prescribe a combination of psychotherapy and anti-depressant medications. But, one should also be aware of the fact that there are also a number of non-medical means to combat this condition. When compared with the medical means of treatment, these non conventional methods are quite safe and can be tried out even by nursing moms, without the fear of contracting any side effects.

Listed below are 11 ways which will help you to fight postpartum depression in a natural manner.

1. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an age old method which is found to be very helpful in addressing the issue of postpartum depression.This drug free treatment deals with the insertion of needles at various vital points in the body. The treatment of acupuncture helps to balance the fluctuating hormonal levels in the body, thereby dealing with PPD. It also helps one to regain the energy loss that can be caused due to child birth and will give the mother the emotional stability to deal with the new life ahead.

2. Bright light therapy

Bright light therapy is another popular method which is used in the treatment of postpartum depression. This treatment is based on the relation between the feel good hormone , serotonin, and the duration of exposure to bright light. It is seen that with an increase in the exposure to bright light, the rate of production of serotonin is also increased. The light therapy can be done at home with the help of portable light boxes, that are available at the rate of $200 a piece.

3. Blue light blocking

It is a common practice for a mom to get up in the middle of the night to feed her newborn. During this time, she is directly exposed to ordinary light, which hinders the activity of the hormone melatonin and causes disturbance in her sleep patterns. This is found to be a main reason for the development of postpartum depression in women. Research conducted in this field have shown that the condition can be tackled by effectively blocking blue light. This can be brought about by using blue blocking glasses and by also by using blue blocking light bulbs in the bathroom and the child’s nursery.

4.Trans-cranial magnetic stimulation

Trans cranial magnetic stimulation is one of the latest methods used to combat the condition of PPD. Here effective mood control can be achieved by stimulating the brain cells using short pulses of magnetic waves. This is a non invasive method which is seen to bring about quick results.

5. Breathing techniques

Practicing breathing techniques will not only help you through the process of labor but will also help in controlling your emotions and warding off postpartum depression. By practicing controlled breathing, you will be able to decrease the heart rate, loosen the muscles and reduce the blood pressure, and thus achieve a peaceful state of mind.

6. Exercises

Physical exercises will not only help you to get back in shape after the delivery, but will also help to raise your emotional quotient and feeling of well being. Regular exercising will help you in getting rid of the adrenalin hormone, that is produced during anxiety condition. At the same time, exercises will promote the production of the feel good hormone endorphin, thereby elevating your mood. Apart from this, regular physical activity will help to ward off muscle tension and will also encourage proper sleeping, thereby keeping in control the symptoms of PPD.

7. Massage

Pampering yourself with a massage session weekly, will help in warding off the negative thoughts from your mind and will leave you feeling completely relaxed. For getting a massage, you can either visit your neighboring spa or else you can also ask your partner to provide you with one.

8. Nutrition

Many moms fail to take care of themselves in the process of ensuring the needs and comforts of their babies. But, improper nutrition can lead a lowering of physical and emotional health, thereby bringing about the condition of PPD. To combat this condition, you should have a diet which is rich in all the essential nutrients and minerals. You should also see to it that your diet is rich in proteins, folic acid and nutrients like calcium and magnesium.

9. Have omega 3 supplements.

Having food rich in omega 3 fatty acids are very much essential to ensure the healthy state of mind of the new mom. For this purpose, you can have food items like fish and nuts. If your normal diet fails to give you the required amount of omega 3 fatty acids, then you can also try having omega 3 supplements, which are available at all pharmacies.

10. Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy is a popularly followed method to deal with the problem of PPD. In this method, which is also known as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, the patient expresses her concerns and worries to a trained therapist. The therapist after making a complete study of the situation, advises the patients of various activities that she can engage in and which can help her overcome the problem of PPD.

11. Support Groups

Talking to others who share similar worries, surely helps to get some load off your mind. Hence, it is a recommended option for a new mom to join a support group, where she can share her experiences and at the same time learn a lot from the experiences and advice of other moms who deal with postpartum depression.

The above said are some of the alternative treatments that are practiced to combat the condition of postpartum depression. However, whatever be method of treatment you choose, keep in mind to get the consent from your doctor, in order to avoid the occurrence of any unwanted problems.

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