10 Triggers that can onset psoriasis


Psoriasis is an immune system related disorder that appears slowly or suddenly on skin. It is a common medical condition related to skin with symptoms like irritation and redness. Many people suffering from psoriasis have red, thick skin with patches of flaky, silver-white that are known as scales.

Here are the 10 reasons that can lead to Psoriasis in humans:

1. Stress

Research has revealed that stress can aggravate psoriasis. Your body responds when body is stressed. Whereas stress is a reason for making psoriasis worst. In order to decrease stress, breathe deeply in and out with counting or take a shower. Meditation has also proven as a stress buster. You should also incorporate relaxation methods and keep focusing on positive points. These are stress busters and may help in keeping and preventing psoriasis as well.

2. Allergies

Psoriasis and allergies are interrelated as immune system plays an important role in both. Studies have revealed that most people suffering from psoriasis have greater amount of mast cells, which are responsible for triggering allergic reactions like itching and swelling. Even though psoriasis can be immune system reaction, it is not proved that it has some connection with allergic reactions. Research has shown that there is no link between psoriasis and allergens.

3. Alcohol

Your lifestyle can also be a contributing factor that can lead psoriasis. Alcohol intake has been associated with psoriasis and its severity. However more studies are required, it is generally considered that psoriasis can get triggered by heavy alcohol intake. Specialists say that best way to avoid flare ups of psoriasis is to avoid alcohol.

4. Cold or Dry weather

With the advent of winter, psoriasis can get worsen. Warm and sunny climate helps in alleviating psoriasis where as dry and cold weather aggravates it. In winters people with psoriasis should keep their skin well moisturized. After baths, you must apply creamy and thick layers of lotion. In order to reduce itching you should search for fragrance free soaps and lotions designed for sensitive skin.

5. Tattoos

There is no doubt about the fact that tattoos look cool but for skin with psoriasis it can be detrimental. Repetitively injecting dyes into pierced skin is a trauma. It can give rise to skin lesions that begins to appear on skin in ten to twelfth days after tattooing. Tattooing can also cause skin infections that can eventually lead to psoriasis. Before giving any skin shots or acupuncture, you should always consult your physician.

6. Medications

Psoriasis can be caused by various drugs used for treating diseases like cardiac diseases, blood pressure, psychiatric disorders or arthritis. Flare ups can be caused by beta blockers, lithium or Ace inhibitors, and psoriasis can also be because of drugs used in malaria like hydroxycholoquine, plaquenil and NSAID’s. Prednisone can get immediate relief but its use for longer time periods can cause problems.

7. Infections

People with psoriasis can be further troubled if they get affected by infections. Psorasis can get triggered by infections like; thrush, respiratory infections, strep throat, staph and yeast infections. But once the infection begins to subside, symptoms of psoriasis can also get relieved. People with psoriasis should generally keep themselves away from infections by following precautionary measures that will help them in preventing psoriasis.

8. Cuts and Bruises

If you slice your hand in kitchen or while scraping your knee joint, lesions begin to appear after injury. You must always avoid injuries and trauma as much as you can. You should always wear hand gloves while working in the kitchen or garden. You should check sunburns or bug bites which if remain unnoticed can cause psoriasis. You should take extra care while shaving or trimming your nails.

9. Smoking

Studies have revealed that smoking has a link with psoriasis. Heavy smoking can increase psoriasis symptoms. More a person smokes, more worsening can be the flare ups of psoriasis. The initial symptoms can be seen on feet and hands. Quitting smoking can decrease the flare ups of psoriasis and in few cases remove them. You can also consult your physician in taking this challenge as he can suggest you various measures that can help you in getting away with this habit.

10. Hormones

Psoriasis can initiate at any period of time with equal probability in both women and men. However, it is commonly seen in age group between twenty and thirty and fifty to sixty. Menopause and puberty has been seen as triggers to psoriasis. It is generally believed that the real cause is related with hormones.

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