10 Remedies for night-time cold control

Nighttime cold control

Night time cold can be very annoying as it can tamper your sleep patterns. A runny nose at night will prevent easy breathing and leave you completely exhausted in the morning. The condition is particularly aggravates during the cold winter months when the atmosphere is very dry and you feel extremely distressed. Here are some ways to tackle the problem to get a good night sleep

1. Humidifier for easy breathing

Using a humidifier or a vaporizer in the room for the entire night can make a lot of difference as it will keep the atmosphere moist. The steam from the humidifier will also help to loosen the congestion inside your nose, help you breathe easy and sleep better. This will also help in soothing your throat that could be sore and painful. When you use a humidifier every day, it is important to keep it clean by disinfecting it on a regular basis.

2. Showering before bedtime

Those suffering from night-time cold will benefit a lot by taking a hot shower just before bedtime. The hot shower will again loosen all your nasal blockages and remove the congestion and discomfort before you sleep. This will help you breathe more comfortably and sleep well. Shut the bathroom door and open the tap so that the steam can act as a decongestion for your nasal passages. Steaming this way for 15-20 minutes every day before sleep will help you stay free from sinus blockages.

3. Wise choice of medications

Cold medications may not be a great option, if you are looking at frequent usages. They could have ingredients that treat congestion, fever, cough, running nose, body ache, etc. The ingredients have to be thoroughly checked before taking them. Medications for decongestion can actually keep you awake and antihistamines will make you very drowsy. Check with the doctor for using cold medications for kids under 4.

4. Nasal sprays

Nasal sprays are good for opening nasal passages. But, they must not be used for more than 3 days in a row as they will increase the discomfort and aggravate the problem. Use them sparingly and only when you do not get any relief from steaming and humidifying.

5. Sore throat relief

Gargling with salt water frequently can relieve sore throat. Do it before bedtime to prevent discomfort. Throat sprays and lozenges too are available as OTC drugs in case of emergencies. For symptoms like severe sore throat accompanied by a fever, it is important to check for strep throat, especially when these symptoms are not accompanied by cold.

6. Nasal strips

Nasal strips are small strips that can be stuck on the bridge of your nose that help in opening the nasal passage by stretching the nasal muscles. But this method will not loosen the mucous, but allow more space for the flow of air.

7. Saline rinse

Saline sprays can be prepared at home by using 1/4th teaspoon salt and a pinch of baking soda along with a cup of warm water. Use a spray bottle for spraying it in and loosening the mucous. This is also good for nasal irrigation which will act as a flush for removing the mucous that is trapped inside.

8. Menthol salve

For cough that can especially aggravate in the night time, using a menthol salve will help. It can also help in easing a sore throat that is associated with a cough and cold. The vapor can be massaged into your chest and neck to relieve the soreness and congestion and help your sleep without much disturbance from the cough. However, salve must not be taken internally or used inside the nasal cavities. It must also not be used on kids who are under the age of 2.

9. Raise the head of the bed

When you sleep flat on the bed, the congestion can worsen and choke your air passages, casing you to go into bouts of coughing. Raising your pillow to an elevated level will help keep your head higher. However, just raising the pillow will cause more breathing problems due to the awkward neck positioning. Therefore, you must raise the head of your bed for a better incline. Use books or boxes for raising the legs of your bed on one side.

10. Sleep on time

Sleeping on time and for 8 hours is important for your general health. People who get 8 hours of sleep have less chances of falling for cold and cough. It is also important to sleep at the same time every day as this will help you sleep better.

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