Latest Treatment in Urinary Tract Infection offers possibility of better lives to patients

Latest Treatment in Urinary Tract Infection

Today, one out of two women are suffering from urinary tract infection – thanks to female anatomy, which is more prone to bacterial infections that are highly accessible to the urinary tract. According to the surveillance by the National Institute of Diabetes and Kidney disorders, almost 8.1 million women are currently suffering from urinary tract infections. Conventionally, the treatments offered were higher doses of antibiotics. However, studies have indicated that such a high dose of antibiotic can have a dangerous impact on normal intestinal gut flora, leading to other health issues. Moreover, the extent of antibiotic resistance is also found to be on the higher side; and hence, researchers are struggling hard to find out the latest treatment in urinary tract infection.



The urinary tract infection is a common infection affecting any part of the entire urinary system, including kidneys, uterus, urinary bladder, and urethra. The infections are commonly associated with the lower parts of the abdomen such as urinary bladder and kidneys.

Due to anatomical differences, women are at a higher risk of developing UTIs as compared to their male counterparts. Many of them have commonly reported complaints of severe pain in the lower abdomen that is many times unbearable and irritating.

Some of the common symptoms associated with urinary tract infections can be noted as follows:

  • Frequent, persistent urge to urinate
  • Typical burning sensation while passing urine
  • Passage of frequent, small amount of urine.
  • Urine that appears cloudy with certain white depositions
  • A bright, red, or cola colored urine due to secretion of blood in the urine.
  • Foul smelling urine
  • Intense pelvic pain in women, especially around the center of the pelvis.

If mistaken or overlooked for a longer period of time, it can lead to severe complications, such as kidney damage. Thus, there is a need to find out the latest treatment in urinary tract infection.

Latest Research on Urinary Tract Infection


The latest research study on urinary tract infection from the University of Chicago and Loyola Medicine has confirmed a surprising fact that urine in healthy women is highly unsterile due to the presence of microbiota, a distinct community of microorganisms. The study performed a genomic analysis of almost 149 bacterial strains obtained from 77 women subjects and found that these microbes are present in the entire gastrointestinal tract, including urine. Since the path from the vagina towards the urinary bladder is interconnected with the presence of urethra, the similar colony of the microbiota is present even in the bladder of women. Researchers have identified that the presence of good bacteria observed both in the bladder as well as vagina can lead to the discovery of the latest treatment of urinary tract infections.

Today, being the post-antibiotic era, scientists have focused their attention on formulating preventing treatments for urinary tract infections, some of them can be noted as follows:

Urinary Tract Infection Vaccine 2018

antibiotic pills

Considering the severity of the indication and frequent occurrence, scientists are struggling hard to develop a definitive preventive treatment inside the lab, and have met with variable levels of success in preclinical as well as clinical investigators. However, they are facing major challenges in implementing these treatments in routine clinical practices, since some of the pharmaceutical giants are rather emphasizing on investing in antibiotic pills that can be consumed daily than to treat chronic illnesses at one go!

Upon raising concerns about when the vaccines be available in the market, researchers and manufacturers from the University of Michigan medical school have proposed development of two vaccines, out of which one can alter molecular integrity of the UTI causing bacteria and another made of bacterial proteins, which can limit the iron absorption capacity of the bacteria. Thus, the combination of both of these vaccines is found to be at the top of the latest treatment in urinary tract infection.



You might be prescribed with a sugar-coated pill containing Mannosides by your physician upon seeking a treatment for urinary tract infection. Studies have confirmed that the leading causative factor of UTI, the E. Coli has a sweet tooth. Thus, by anchoring to the naturally produced mannose sugar on the wall of the urinary bladder, E. coli grows and multiplies; and it is almost impossible to get rid of it easily just by drinking water.

However, it has been confirmed through some clinical evidence that if free-floating mannose tablets are consumed, the bacteria will get attached to them and can be washed off through urine. In this regard, enough literature is being collected with loads of data available stating the effectiveness of consumption of mannose coated tablets in limiting urinary tract infection.



Presence of good bacteria in the human gut has dragged much attention and is an important driver for the production of probiotic supplements. These latest treatments in urinary tract infection have been found to play important role in enhancing the multiplication of good bacteria and reducing the presence of E. Coli. Some of the important benefits of probiotic consumption can be noted as follows:

  • These probiotics are helpful in reducing inflammation of the gut and promote healthy lining.
  • Production of lactobacillus from probiotic supplements is found to be poisonous for E. Coli, thus limiting their multiplication.
  • Production of good bacteria, such as lactobacillus and bifidobacterial, can be helpful in minimizing the binding capacity of E. Coli, thus helping to modulate the immune

Lactobacillus and its effect in minimizing the bacteria are known to be the most promising amongst the latest treatment in urinary tract infections. Scientists have in fact requested to increase the consumption of probiotics to reduce the effect of harmful bacteria that have been piled up through years of antimicrobial consumption.

Anti-Inflammatory drugs


By the end of the year 2014, researchers from Washington University have declared data revealing the effects of neutrophils in damaging bladder lining post urinary tract infection. They have further proposed that once neutrophils secretion increases in blood, progressive damage to urinary bladder lining takes place, due to which offending bacteria can easily hide behind the bruises to take shelter and undergo multiplication.

Bacterial Biofilms


When pathogenic bacteria start multiplying in the urinary bladder lining, all attackers in human body start defending their protection and multiplication. However, studies regarding urinary tract infection have revealed that E. Coli bacteria can easily get a space to hide and multiply in the intestinal lining through the formation of a thin biofilm. These biofilms are identified to be the natural reservoirs of bacteria and are resistant to an antibiotic and natural defense mechanism.

However, targeting these biofilms through the release of biofilm targeting molecules along with specialized antibiotic is found to be helpful in breaking up the bond between biofilms by about 99% and hence are found to be one of the most popular latest treatment in urinary tract infection.

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