The IVF procedure can be a stressful time, and a million questions will flood the mind. A few of them will very likely have to do with activity following the procedure. It is likely you will wonder what activities you can perform following the procedure, including exercise. Your Reproductive Endocrinologist will want you to remain inactive for the first 24 hours; this will mean nothing more strenuous than getting yourself something to drink. Following this, you will be able to slowly return to your normal activities. However, during the IVF treatment, you should avoid certain exercises to help ensure implantation.
After th, there is a two week period before confirmation whether regarding the outcome. During the two week waiting period, you will need to avoid certain exercises as it can lead to ovarian torsion, painful, swollen cysts in the uterus and, in some cases, can endanger the success of the procedure. Jogging is one of the most common forms of exercise, as it simple involves running at a steady pace that is comfortable to the person. However, due to the jolt to the body that occurs each time the foot strikes the ground, you will need to avoid jogging until your doctor has seen the untralsound that confirms the foetus has indeed implanted and the heartbeat can be seen.
Jogging poses a risk of miscarriage due to repeated jarring and jolting the body. It is recommended that you replace jogging with speed walking until your doctor gives you permission to take up jogging again. Once they have passed the critical period, many women are able to enjoy jogging either until their body protests due to size and weight restrictions, or they approach their due date. As long as your body and your doctor agree it is safe for you and the baby, there is no reason to give up jogging during pregnancy.
Certain yoga and pilates poses to avoid after IVF treatmentÂ
In addition to needing to avoid jarring and jolting your body, and thus your uterus, you also need to avoid laying on your stomach. Part of the reason for this the increase in body heat in that region. This is why patients are told to use the laptop away from their bodies and no heating pad, hot showers, hot tubs or saunas. Additionally, it causes pressure on the uterus. With this in mind, you will want to avoid any exercises that require you to lie on your stomach, such as certain Yoga and Pilates actions.
Examples of poses to avoid are any poses that involve inversions (poses that turn your body upside down at all), and twisting the body as you can cause damage to your enlarged ovaries, and twist your tubes. Once your doctor has given the go-ahead, you can resume your Yoga and Palates routines, with some modifications, throughout your pregnancy. You can take special Yoga classes designed for pregnant women that help strengthen the support muscles, as well as the muscles used during birth.
Lifting or moving heavyweight
Lifting or pushing/pulling heavy objects is one of the primary causes of miscarriage. While it is not advisable for any pregnant woman to lift a considerable amount of weight during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester, it is even more important following IVF treatment. You will need to restrict the amount of weight you lift to no more than 15 pounds (6.8kg). This is an essential part of allowing your body to do its job after your procedure. This means if you are someone who customarily uses weight training as part of your exercise routine, you will need to avoid it completely for a while until your doctor says you can resume normal activity. At that point, you will need to discuss your normal weight training routine. Until then, there is really no way to substitute heavy weight training, so just remember its all for a good cause.
Aerobic activities
IVF patients are advised that any activity that raises the body temperature and, or, causes any form of jarring, jolting, straining, or stress on the body should be strictly avoided during the first few weeks after implantation. Therefore, aerobic exercise is certainly something to be avoided following IVF treatment. This includes activities such as Zumba, spinning, pole dancing classes, kickboxing, martial arts, certain forms of dancing, rowing and the like. The first few weeks following IVF treatment are critical, so it is truly advisable to remain calm, relaxed and as sedate as possible.
Horseback riding
Many people see horseback riding as a nice, relaxing activity; however, we have to tighten and release leg and abdominal muscles in order to not slide around, and remain upright. A new rider is quite aware of this. But once riding becomes second nature, the rider no longer notices these things. However, our bodies notice. In addition to the extra movement, there is the risk of the horse being spooked by something unexpected and breaking into a run. Or worse, you could be thrown from the horse. There are safe ways to exercise your horse and still spend time with it. All of this, without putting yourself or your baby at risk.
Skiing, water, and snow
It is not instantly obvious to some people that water skiing should be avoided during pregnancy. It is necessary to avoid due to the impact with the water and it rushing around and into the body during a fall. If you fall on your bottom while water skiing, you do allow a certain amount of water to rush up inside you. If the force does not cause problems, the bacteria in the water could cause an infection that would. Snow skiing is an active activity in which you twist, turn, bend, push and pull. Additionally, you face the risk of falling. Although snow skiing is done in cold weather, the body temperature does rise due to the layers of clothing and extra movement, this is also detrimental to the IVF process.
Before you go…
If you are thinking of going for IVF, here are some basic facts you must know about the treatment. Read on to know more.
What You Need to Know About IVF Treatments
In vitro fertility treatments, known as IVF, are among numerous options for couples who are unable to conceive on their own. It can be used by couples who are dealing with issues like low sperm count and ovulation problems. The only way to know if IVF is right for you is to talk with your doctor and to undergo a series of tests and exams to understand the issues you are facing. You may get successful on your first IVF cycle, or you may need to undergo numerous cycles before you become pregnant.
You may even end up having excess embryos that you want to keep in biological storage. Here’s a little more information about IVF to help you understand what it entails:
The Treatment Process
IVF involves harvesting eggs from the mother and combining those eggs with sperm from the father in a laboratory. In the past, babies conceived from this process were frequently referred to as “test tube babies.” Now we have a better understanding of the procedure and a lot more sensitivity.
The woman must take daily injections that stimulate the ovaries to produce more eggs and then a final injection that triggers the release of those eggs. The eggs are then retrieved and are fertilized in the lab, which may take up to several days.
The fertilized eggs, now known as embryos, are then placed inside the woman’s uterus. Sometimes, multiple embryos will be placed to increase the chances of becoming pregnant.
In some cases, none of the embryos will implant and lead to pregnancy. Doctors counsel women that IVF can lead to a pregnancy with twins or greater multiples, so this is a “risk” that couples must consider when choosing IVF. The number of embryos transferred can be limited in order to reduce this risk.
Success Rates
IVF is not always successful. The embryos may not implant, result into a pregnancy, or the pregnancy may end early in miscarriage. Therefore, some couples may have to undergo several IVF cycles before they get pregnant — if they do at all.
According to data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, pregnancy resulted in an average of 29.4 percent of cycles, and a live birth resulted in an average of 22.4 percent of all cycles.
The likelihood of success depends on a variety of factors, including the age of the woman, the cause of infertility, the quality of the eggs, and the overall health of the couple.
Cost of Treatment
The cost of IVF treatment can also vary, depending on your location, the doctor providing treatment, and the specific issues the couple is battling. On average, a new IVF cycle costs $12,000. You also have to pay another $3,000 to $5,000 for the medications used to stimulate the ovaries.
The cost of a new cycle includes the retrieval of eggs. Couples who do not get pregnant on the first try can use embryos created from that first retrieval, which will save them money on their next attempt at IVF. They won’t have to pay for the medications or the retrieval procedure.
Some insurance companies cover the cost of IVF treatments or part of the cost, and some employers provide assistance, as well. It is important that couples consult with their employers and their insurance provider to find out what benefits are available. Many fertility clinics also offer special financing to help couples afford the cost of IVF treatments.
Freezing Embryos
In most cases, the number of eggs retrieved during the first IVF cycle results in more embryos than the couple needs for just one cycle. Therefore, if the couple gets pregnant on the first try, they will likely have numerous embryos left over.
Couples can choose to freeze these embryos in case they want to have another baby at a later date. The couple can then skip the retrieval process and skip right to the implantation process. Freezing these embryos has the added benefit of using younger, healthier eggs even if the couple decides to delay conception for several more years.
Couples may choose to freeze their embryos for a number of other reasons. For example, they may run out of money to complete the process and decide to freeze the embryos for use at a later time. They may run into other health problems that they must address before they pursue pregnancy.
Whatever the reason for freezing the embryos may be, using biological storage gives these couples more options to plan their family.
Talk with a fertility specialist about IVF and whether it might be the right treatment option for you if you are having trouble getting pregnant. It may provide the answer that you have been looking for when other fertility treatments have failed you.
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