Yoga poses for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids, commonly referred to as piles, is an uneasy and sometimes painful condition which is a result of inflammation of the veins around the anal region. Some worst extreme cases can result in anal bleeding as a sign of a more serious intestinal disease, if not treated at the right hour. There can be a host of varied reasons for the occurrence of hemorrhoids like varicose veins, constipation, abnormal functioning of the liver, dearth of physical exercise in one’s daily routine, over-indulgence in sex or even due to hereditary transfers. But the most common one is due to excessive strain put during bowel movements. However, we have found out a holistic approach to treating this embarrassing and uncomfortable condition. Yoga, a subject of energy which manifests in various permutations and combinations to form and heal every aspect of creation, also substituted as the life force in a human body, can do wonders in healing and alleviating the discomfort and complications associated with hemorrhoids. Let’s take into account some of the most effective yoga poses which can assist in relieving you of the pain caused due to hemorrhoids.

The sarvanga asana or shoulder stand

The shoulder stand, or sarvanga asana, also known as the candle pose aids in the activation of most of the important glands and even helps in improving their functionality. It is equally effective for both the sexes and can be undertaken by people of all age groups. To practice this posture, you need to lie down on your back flat on the floor. Now, placing your palms by your sides, bring your toes and heels together loosely. Supporting your hip with your hands, try to bring the entire body to an angle of 90 degree with the floor. Your whole body should fall straight with eyes pointed to the ceiling while you breathe normally. Hold the posture for around 10 seconds before curling down back to the floor.This pose is an excellent healer of varicose veins and hemorrhoids as it helps in reducing stress and other related symptoms of hemorrhoids by working on the principles of balance and flexibility. It is specifically recommended post pregnancy, when the problems of piles can pertain and even become quite severe. Also, it is even advised to women suffering from other female disorders like pain during the menstruation cycle, seminal weakness and so on.

Pavanmukta asana or the wind releasing pose

The pavana mukta asana especially aids in returning stagnant lymph and venous blood, relieving tiredness and even preventing venous thrombosis and hemorrhoid conditions. By activating pancreas and other organs of the abdomen, it assists in relieving wind trouble, loosening hip joints, curing constipation and also rectifying the persistent problem of hemorrhoids in the process, thereby correcting the malfunctioning of the stomach as well. To practice this yoga asana, lie down flat on the ground on your back placing your palms next to your body. Now, bringing heels and toes together, keep your body straight in alignment with the floor and look at the ceiling. Next, lifting one knee up, bring it to your chest and press against it with one hand on the ankle and the other resting on the same side knee. Pulling your knee towards your chest, try relaxing your muscles and continue breathing normally. Remain in this position for 6 to 8 seconds. Releasing your knee slowly, come back to normal posture and try the same positioning with the other leg.

Legs up the wall stand

Considered to be one of the most soothing and restorative yoga postures to aid in improving blood circulation to the anus and for reducing the symptoms of hemorrhoids is the legs up the wall stand. In an attempt to perform this pose, you have to place your body near a wall. Begin by bending your knees, on your side, and heels facing the the wall, while your buttocks set very near to the edge of the wall. Now, swinging your heels in an upward and circular motion, enable your knees to rest against the wall with legs falling perpendicular on to the floor and your back being flat on the floor. Try moving your buttocks nearer to the base of the wall by slowly straightening your legs which would now rest up the wall. Your arms should be in a relaxed mode by your sides. Your main concentration should be on the breathing technique while trying to remain in this posture for as long as you comfortably can.

Squatting pose

One of the most common culprits of hemorrhoids is constipation and the squatting pose helps in counteracting constipation in an attempt to relieve you of the painful bouts that you undergo every time you indulge in a bowel movement due to the anal region being infected of hemorrhoids. It is a very simple yoga posture in which you need to spread your feet slightly wider than the width of your hip by bending your knees until you successfully come into a squatting posture. Leave your buttocks to drop onto the floor and join your hands in front of you as if praying to god. To further stretch your thigh muscles and the groin region, you can put pressure on your inner thigh with the help of your elbows. Remain in this pose for quite some time. Keep breathing normally and then come back to standing position.

Child’s pose

Another very effective, restorative and eligible yoga pose to treat the problem of hemorrhoids is the child’s pose. It works on the principles of instigating increased blood circulation to the anal region and even alleviating the complications associated with constipation. To perform this posture, you should begin in a tabletop position, supporting your entire body on your hands and knees. Keep your hands in the same line as your shoulder and your knees should be in line with your hips. Now, bending your knees, bring your buttocks on to your heels and lower chest to touch the floor. Your arms can be positioned beside your body or you can even place them in font of your head to lend support. Remain in this position for at least a minute. However, you can continue to stay for as long as you are comfortable in it.

Fish pose

In fish pose, the body is positioned on to the floor resting on the abdomen. The face is lifted up off the floor with arms lying on the sides. Using your arms, head and legs press your chest off the floor. Try to extend and stretch your neck as much as you can so that your body weight is shifted to the top of your head. You need to stay in this position for a minimum of 30 seconds, or even longer if you feel comfortable. You can even practice this position by bending your knees or keeping your legs folded in lotus position. Fish pose helps considerably in reducing inflammation of the skin around the anal region and in combating serious problems related to hemorrhoids. Besides this, it even aids in improving thyroid and parathyroid regulations.

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