Yoga for boosting female fertility

One of the most important questions a woman may ask is which yoga pose would help her in increasing her chances of conception? There are certain specific poses that can assist the body of a woman in getting pregnant faster. But before a woman starts this yoga exercise she must consult with her health practitioner. Otherwise yoga may affect a woman’s fertility adversely. Yoga is always practiced on an empty stomach. Or, at least two hours before or after eating. There are many yoga poses that help in increasing fertility of women.

Lotus pose

The lotus pose is used to increase fertility power of a women. It also contributes in releasing stress and is even used during meditation. To do this pose perfectly, sit on the floor with legs crossed having left shin over the right. Place fingertips on the floor near to the hips and use these fingers stretch back in upward direction. Place hands on knees with palms facing up. Let shoulders and jaw to relax. Relax every muscles of body mentally. Start observing thoughts and feelings when they arise at consciousness. Inhale and exhale slowly, and pay attention towards its rhythm. Sit quietly in same position for as long as possible. To come out of this pose, take a long breath, open eyes slowly, wiggle toes and fingers and smile. There is no need to practice it again in a single day. Complete this pose in single attempt only.This pose stimulates the spine, pelvis, abdomen, and bladder. Which will help to ease menstrual discomfort and sciatica. This pose don’t have any side effect. Pregnant women can also practice this pose in any of the trimester. With continuous practice the lotus pose meditation will show its effect within a month. However, its effects will be shown at a gradual pace.

Legs-up-the-wall pose

Among all the yoga poses for fertility, this pose is most popular and is loved by many women. The legs-up-the-wall pose helps to release stress which is locked in the lower back. To do this pose, rest legs on the wall. Keep arms, shoulders and head as shown in picture. At this position, allows legs to relax by bending the knees. This would ultimately allow the pelvic and abdominal muscles to relax completely. Inhale slowly with the help of abdominal muscles. Stay in this position for at least 20 minutes. Repeat this pose 2-3 times. One fact that demands attention is that this pose should not be practiced during menstruation cycle. Try to keep away from this pose at this time. It would be most effective if practiced right after having sex as it would encourage the sperm to penetrate deeper and deeper into female reproductive organs. This will ultimately make fertilization easy by allowing sperm to meet ovum. This pose shows its effect gradually after continuous practice for a month. The pose do not have any side effects but it is recommended to practice it under doctors guidance.

Supported bridge pose

To do this pose, begin with a sitting position and slowly roll down until body lie on back completely. Bend both the knees one by one and make sure that the feet are flat. Face direction should be towards the ceiling. Place arms out to the side. The tailbone of body should be slightly tilted towards the navel without straining your back. Move the feet toward buttocks. Slowly push the buttocks above the floor. Hold both the hands behind the back or place a pillow underneath. Start breathing slowly. Stay in this pose as long as it feels comfortable, minimum of 3-4 breaths. To come out of this pose, lower the hips on floor, roll slowly at one side with the help of arm. Try 3-4 times daily. This yoga pose for fertility brings a stimulating energy into the body and increases blood supply to pelvic organs like ovaries and the uterus, which ultimately help in fertilization. This yoga pose must not be practiced during menstruation cycle.

Hero pose

There are many types of grounding yoga poses are available in yoga world, but this pose is one of the easiest pose to execute. This pose helps in energizing the lower body part of women. That ultimately brings power to mind by increasing the concentration and focus ability. This pose also helps in releasing any kind of fear. To do this pose, sit on the knees, lift buttocks slightly so as to move feet apart, pace them at the either side of the buttock. Keep the knees closed to each other. Place the palm of hands of the lap. Stretch torso up and look straight, start inhaling and exhaling slowly and stay in this pose as long as possible. Continue this pose for 3-4 minutes. After one attempt, take a break of a minute and then again go for it. Try it 4-5 times daily. Women can also practice this pose in menstruation cycle. There is no harm in practicing this pose. Continuous practice of this pose will be effective within a span of 10-15 days.

Cobra pose

There are many yoga poses that brings vitality and energy to the reproductive organs of a female. This pose is quite similar to other poses which helps to increase the blood circulation to the overlies and uterus. Try following this pose with your face lied down keeping feet together and toes pointing at the back of the body. Place both palm of hand flat on the floor absolutely close to the body and beside rib cage. Inhale, while inhaling gently push off hands, lifting chest and head off the ground. Tilt head back as shown in a picture. Push chest and body in upward direction as well as forward direction, this will help in straining the back. Continue this step for as long as possible. Exhale and move the head towards the floor. Try this pose as many times as you can. But, do not practice much in a single day. Try to increase number of turns with every coming day. Women can also practice this step while menstrual cycle. The pose doesn’t have any side effect. However, it is important to consult a doctor before practicing it specially during second and third trimester.

Wide angle pose

Like all other yoga poses, this pose also helps in relaxation and bringing positive energy to the uterus. This pose also helps in opening the pelvis. Let’s try this pose, sit on the floor with keeping legs wide apart. Do not stretch legs too much, stop stretching at a comfortable position. Try to focus on releasing the tension from legs. Lean forward and go as down as possible, if its hurting give support with the help of pillow. Close your eyes and breath gently. Keep spine and neck long and straight. Try to keep in the same position for 5-10 minutes. Try to do this pose regularly. Women who are undergoing their periods are requested not to do this pose. Pregnant women can also practice this pose but with the help of doctors advice only. Within a month, a woman will feel relaxed and her pregnancy will not cause any problem.

Bound angle pose

All the above yoga poses increases flexibility, but the bound angle pose will help women in stretching their hips and thighs. By this pose, a women can increase blood circulation to the pelvic area which would further increase fertility and would help to get relief from menstrual pain. To do this pose, sit with legs straight out in front. Bend knees closer to the body. Pull heels towards pubic bone. Put knees to the side as shown in picture. Do this pose slowly, find a comfortable position and stay in it for 5-10 minutes. The sole of feet should come together. Hold the ankles or toes and be comfortable. Keep your back straight and lift breast bone slightly in upward direction while lowering the shoulders. Stay in this position and breathe for several times. Regular practice of this pose will do wonders to increase the blood circulation. Try to practice it 4-5 times daily. The effect of this pose will be seen after regular practice only. Pregnant women can try this in her first trimester, but in second and third trimester consult with doctor and then only go for this pose. This pose don’t have any side effect but avoid it during periods.

Relaxation pose

This is one of the most relaxing pose in yoga. One can start yoga practice with this pose and also end up with it. This pose will let the mind to connect with the body. This will add tremendous healing power to the body. Practice this pose every day for at least 20 minutes. Begin by lying on the floor and just relax. At the time of relaxing the body, let the jaw become loose. Close eyes and pay attention to the breathing patterns. While inhaling, feel the abdomen as it is lifting upward. During exhalation, feel abdomen going down. Continue this type of breathing for 5-6 times and then breath normally. This yoga pose will not have any side effect over anybody. This is the yoga position that one can practice even in third trimester of the pregnancy. This pose is essential and must be practiced at least one time everyday. This would help to increase the stamina for fertilization.

The child’s pose

During pregnancy, back pain is common problem. This pose will provide a gentle stretch for the hips, thighs and ankles. This would be of a great help in getting relief from back pain. To do this pose, make body structure like downward facing dog and drop the knees to the floor. Try to spread the knees as much wide as possible. However, keeping toes touching. Bring the belly to rest between the thighs and touch forehead to the floor. Stretch the arms in front of body with the palms toward the floor. Try to be in same position for around 10 minutes. Try to do this pose everyday. Avoid this pose in second and third trimester. Consult with a doctor before practicing this pose. This pose will not be harmful in first trimester of the pregnancy. During first and second month of pregnancy, the effects can be seen while breathing. This pose will lower down the back pain.

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