How to wear contact lenses

Contact lenses

There have been various technological advances in the field of contact lenses, and so these are now available in various sizes and designs. With these advances, it is more convenient to use contact lenses now. An optometrist is the best person to let you know which lenses you should exactly wear. Though we have taken extreme care, and have taken almost all the cases in mind to guide you about the procedure, but results may vary from person to person.

How to insert soft contact lenses

  1. First of all make sure your fingers are dry. Then, gently put the contact lens on the top of your index finger.

  2. Now look into the mirror and make sure you look straight from your nose.

  3. With your middle finger, pull your lower eyelid downwards.

  4. Now comes the most crucial part. Push slightly, the center of the lens to the white part of your eye. Make sure the center part touches the eye first.

  5. Now just blink your eyes a few times and adjust the lens properly inside the eye.

  6. Slightly push the contact lens into the eye, so it adjusts completely. Now blink a little

  7. For the second eye, you can repeat the same process.


Stop blinking if you feel there is a fold in the lens. Hold the upper part of your eyelid and adjust the lens again.

How to remove soft contact lenses

  1. To remove the lens from your eye, use your middle finger and pull the lower lid.

  2. Now look downwards to bring your head to a lower level.

  3. Now use the index finger of the hand move the lens to the white part of the eye. Be very gentle.

  4. Now with your index finger and the thumb press the lens on both the sides and pull it out.

  5. Use an appropriate lens cleaner to clean and store the lens.


  1. Always keep your nails on the hand, short and well cut and clean. Use clean, washed hands while wearing and taking of lenses to maintain better eye hygiene.

  2. Always use one finger to pull the upper lid up and the middle finger to pull the lower lid down. This makes the contacts lens insertion easier, as the eye is wide open.

  3. Make sure you fingers are dry and the lenses have moisture in them. Wash your hands with an anti-germ soap and then wipe them properly with a hand towel. This as very important to prevent the contact lenses from sticking to your hand and moving into the eye easily.

  4. Always make sure that the contact lens is placed in the middle of the eye. Give the lens a little bit of ease and it will smoothly take the shape of the eye, as it is made to do that only.

  5. A little care goes a long way in keeping the health and hygiene of your eyes as well as your contact lenses intact.

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